Outdoor Snowryder


Well-Known Member
I purchased 10 Feminized Snowryder beans from Whitelabel/Sensi and I have five of them out now, started them round late April indoors and put them out in my guerrilla spot around mid May, they are vegging nicely and are good size, I have not seen them for almost 3 weeks and will post pics on Saturday, they should start to flower soon, considering that this new larger auto strain is somewhat popular this year I'm curious to know if anyone else has had luck with these outside, I hope to post some decent results :) Should have buds by mid/late August.

Pics to come....

The two most important features of SnowRyder are her auto-flowering capability and the sparkling, resin crystals that cover her mature buds like a blanket of snow.
Auto-flowering cannabis begins blooming according to the age of the plant, rather than the light cycle, and this tendency gives SnowRyder growing advantages both indoors and out.
SnowRyder seeds produce plants which normally begin flowering around the time they has produced their 6th to 9th set of true leaves, (typically 6-8 weeks in good growing conditions). SnowRyder is not a dwarf cannabis strain, nor will she grow out of control due to grower error (such as vegetating too long). SnowRyder´s final height is more or less pre-determined, with most plants finishing around 90-120cm.

Outdoors, auto-flowering means that SnowRyder seeds can be started early in Spring to have her flowering in June or July (when the weather is at its best) and finished by September.

Plants are sturdy and internodal gaps remain short in good conditions. Buds are Indica-tight, frosted with sticky resin and have a sweet-spicy, earthy-citrus flavour. SnowRyder cannabis gives a deep body stone that´s tempered by a breezy high.


Well-Known Member
I only left one Snowryder among this patch of Early Skunks, there is a slight competition issue as I stuck her close to the others but it's just a trial, plant seems to be bushing out and has large leaves, there is some slug damage but not too bad, no signs of flowering yet but the pistils are showing and she is definately a she, we'll see how she does....



Well-Known Member
Not too happy with this strain so far, it's already 5ft tall and rather lanky, Sensi says it should go to 90-120cm - 5ft is 150cm! It gets 7 hours of full sunlight so it's not stretching, no signs of flowering either, whatever, my skunks are already starting to prepare for flowering stage and this bitch is lagging behind, anyway, latest pics.



Well-Known Member
The picture says it all, I am very displeased with this strain outdoors, does not do well, the genotype was not what I'm looking for, plus these things got 6 feet plus, WTF!? Plus skinny stalks, you can probably do them in pots, I had them straight in the ground, weak as far I'm concerned, this one was competing with a larger lady that I have so I chopped her, oh well.


Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Hey Stoopy, haven't seen you on in a while. they look good otherwise. let me know how that turns out for you...I might be interested for next year. courious as to only 5 out of 10 made it? good luck Bro!


Well-Known Member
Hey Stoopy, haven't seen you on in a while. they look good otherwise. let me know how that turns out for you...I might be interested for next year. courious as to only 5 out of 10 made it? good luck Bro!
Yep... I'm still around, I only did 5 of the Snowryders, I've got my last little one behind a parking lot, I'll post pics of her soon, she's little, I just didn't like the genetics on these, buds by September my ass! They were in tune with all my other ladies, causing me to pull them because they were robbing light from two other big ladies, an indoor or patio plant, flunked the guerilla test in two spots, call me a plant Nazi.


Well-Known Member
Quick reconnaissance mission behind an urban parking lot to describe the last SR, I mixed herin with the local flora in May, the final test, I repeat, not a great outdoor plant if not on the patio, we'll see how she does, small compared to the other two, now flowering as of today I reckon. Early October, nothing like the strain description.



Well-Known Member
Had to yank the Snowryder a bit early due to increased construction activity at the site, want to let her ride for two more weeks but oh well, once again, why the hell did this autoflowering strain take so long to flower?! Final pics soon.


Active Member
I just planted a couple in the ground as of the moment the plants have not broke the soil yet but I will keep you updated...

Side note: afterlooking into I now realize that i bought the wrong seeds the Whitelable version of snow Ryder is not a dwarf. Now I'm going to have to some how hide these monsters if they grow to 5ft+


Well-Known Member
Glad I read this thread...I am an avid auto grower and was looking into this strain....I'll KNOW now to make sure it's the autoflowering variety.....


Well-Known Member
Yeah guys, be careful with this one, Sensi has some great strains yet this one can be deceiving, no autoflowering traits whatsoever, but it was an urban guerilla grow so I think they would have done better in pots, I still have 5 more for this year, we'll see how the do.....