Forced 12/12 2 Plants Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
hey all, I'm starting a grow journal on the behalf of the two plants I'm putting to bed and taking out every night.

they've been on straight 12/12 since the 19th of this month.

so we're working on day 6, more hairs are popping up all over the big girl.

these are pics from 4-5 days ago. I'm going to go outside and take pics now, and will continue to update this thread until these plants are finished :D.


Well-Known Member

pics from today, day 6.

the other one looks unhealthy because it's gone through hell haha. it went into flower early and no matter what I couldn't break it out of it. so now it's finally getting the proper treatment it needs.

the bigger plant, is the one that this thread is mainly about, as it's going to obviously yield the most.


Well-Known Member
just in case any of you were wondering, this is a forced OUTDOOR grow, so I have to put them to sleep manually, moving them, and then bring them out when it's dark. I have it setup so I put them out at dark and the sun rise is at the same time as I put them to sleep.


just in case any of you were wondering, this is a forced OUTDOOR grow, so I have to put them to sleep manually, moving them, and then bring them out when it's dark. I have it setup so I put them out at dark and the sun rise is at the same time as I put them to sleep.

i caught that.... i've done it before myself, and i applaud your commitment:clap:


Well-Known Member

new pics today, more hairs on the other girl :).

I also had a question, when I go to move them I have to turn on a light to do so, they get maybe 10-20 seconds of diffused light. is that enough to mess up their 12/12 cycle?

Falco & Ness

Well-Known Member
nice..thinking bout doin' this with my outdoor (move them in an enclosed tree house at night) the benefit i am looking for is a quicker harvest. Gotta turn the light on to move em though...

subscribed none the less :joint:


Well-Known Member
yeah I'm thinking about seeking out a green LED headlamp or something. something that wont disturb the plants but will let me see at night . . .

Falco & Ness

Well-Known Member
yeah I'm thinking about seeking out a green LED headlamp or something. something that wont disturb the plants but will let me see at night . . .

I have a few of those..not green but good either way. only thing that worries me is that high climb with a baby in my arms....:-|:joint:


I do the manual put outside light bring inside dark 12/12 also however today i overslept an hour and 15 mins :shock:do you think it will screw my plant into hermie. hell shes a female and looking good:hump: sorry to still a piece of your thread i just thought i throw it in there :peace:


Well-Known Member
I do the manual put outside light bring inside dark 12/12 also however today i overslept an hour and 15 mins :shock:do you think it will screw my plant into hermie. hell shes a female and looking good:hump: sorry to still a piece of your thread i just thought i throw it in there :peace:
Look dude. Say the sun rises at 6 a.m. Bring them inside to the dark at 6p.m. Then, when it is dark, put them back outside.

Waa-laah. No more having to wake up on a schedule.

And no, I doubt that one time will hurt them.


Well-Known Member
how about my temporary exposure to light while moving mine outside into the dark again?

it's literally less than 30 seconds of light. and direct light, less than 10 seconds.

it's very very very diffused while they're in the room, I have an outside light that goes on within the garage. (the room is within the garage) and I only have to expose them to light for literally 10 seconds while they're being walked out the enterence (they see 5 seconds of direct light) then further out beyond my back yard they get some distant flood lights (25feet away).

I know that's a lot to think about but I don't have a lamp or anything that wont disturb their light cycle so should I just keep doing it like this? is 20-30 seconds of light really that bad for them?


how about my temporary exposure to light while moving mine outside into the dark again?

it's literally less than 30 seconds of light. and direct light, less than 10 seconds.

it's very very very diffused while they're in the room, I have an outside light that goes on within the garage. (the room is within the garage) and I only have to expose them to light for literally 10 seconds while they're being walked out the enterence (they see 5 seconds of direct light) then further out beyond my back yard they get some distant flood lights (25feet away).

I know that's a lot to think about but I don't have a lamp or anything that wont disturb their light cycle so should I just keep doing it like this? is 20-30 seconds of light really that bad for them?
if it were a problem, you would probably see it already... as long as they are continuing to bud without any problem... roll with it bro:hump:...


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight do you need to put them in complete darkness? and lets say the sun rises at 5:45 but it doesn't really get light outside until maybe 6:10 does that mean that i should go by 6:10? living on a hill the area lights up differently does this affect the plants light cycles ?

My plants have been outside now for close to 2 months they were put into flowering because of the little amount of light and haven't reverted back to vegetative now they are short but have buds that look like they are almost done.


Well-Known Member
all you have to do is figure out when the sun rises and the light would hit the plant. when you figure out that time, put them to bed at that time in the afternoon. then you take them out after it's dark and put them in the spot where the sun will rise.

easy enough, no over-sleeping possible.


Well-Known Member
new pics today :). it's been a few days so there's been much progress on the buds. I'm quite impressed myself.

first plant(been in flower for a while, now showing it's true potential)

second plant (just starting to bud)



Well-Known Member
it's actually not too bad. I'm totally used to it, I only have to move them twice in the evening, and once during the day (besides putting it to bed.)

it's totally worth it.