Miracle Grow "ALL purpose plant food"


Well-Known Member
Just go easy on it the first few feedings. I've found the tomato formula to be a lot "safer" when it comes to vegging. It has a more evened out N-P-K rating anyways. The all purpose does the job perfectly though. Especially when they get a lot bigger in veg.


Well-Known Member

Miracle Gro all purpose works fine.
I have used it on many crops and many different types of plant besides Ganja.
For indoor plants in a soil-less medium, I use from 1/4 to 1 full TEAspoon pr gallon of water.
Less is always more!
Outdoors I use from 1 full TEAspoon to 2 full TEAspoons for plants in containers.
Plants that are in the ground outdoors get up to 1 full TABLEspoon pr gallon of water.
Good Luck!