

Well-Known Member
As I prepare for my next grow, I study to prepare myself for whatever stratergies I may use in this grow. Before I go off and try to do something fancy, that'll end up being a stupid move, I try to refresh myself with the simple basics. One of the basics to be ready for is stretching. Here is some really interesting reading on the subject of stretching.

“Stretch” is a term for the natural vertical growth spurt in early flowering. Marijuana will grow in height throughout its flowering phase, but the first 2 weeks of flowering will show the most dramatic change in height and internodal distance. Stretch can also occur in the vegetative phase.

Stretch is generally considered an unavoidable evil, but some gardeners prefer a bit of stretch to allow budsites to fill in adequately. Buds with perfect density can be grown by controlling stretch.
Encouraging stretch can be a good technique to prevent budrot in susceptible strains and massive colas. Elongated buds are less dense, and the humidity within buds is reduced.
Note: Males will typically stretch much more than females and are easily identified and pre-sex’ed by their extra height.

Why is stretch a problem?
Stretch is a problem primarily in indoor grows because it greatly reduces yield. The problem stems from the limitations of artificial light and the plant’s adaptations to low light.
Stretch also produces tall plants with weak and spindly stems. The weight of the buds later in flower will require staking to avoid damage and falling over. Stretch may be a sudden problem for growers with limited ceiling height.
Light intensity vs internodal distance
Light intensity diminishes exponentially with distance under artificial light (the inverse squared law). Sunlight is not affected by distance and can penetrate deep into a canopy.
Marijuana requires high light levels to thrive and produce high yields. A plant is at its optimum flowering height when all it’s bud sites are bathed in intense light (ideally the entire plant is equally lit, producing dense bud from top to bottom).
Stretched plants are tall and their lower bud sites receive exponentially lower lumens than top colas. Budsites that are not receiving intense light will not produce well, and often the light and extra plant height is wasted. Tall plants require more energy to pump water to its leaves and transport photosynthate from its leaves. This extra energy could have gone into flowering. Stretched plants can yield 30-50% less.

Lower bud sites that are not illuminated sufficiently will produce under-developed buds: airy or popcorn bud. Popcorn buds have lower dry weight, take much longer to trim, and often have less bag appeal.
How can I minimize stretch?
Note: Some of these techniques only apply to the stretch phase.
Use a compact strain
Indicas tend to have minimal stretch growing characteristics in flower compared to tall-growing Sativas. Hybrids may grow unevenly, or react to stress unexpectedly.
Keep light at the optimum distance
Low light levels will cause seedlings and plants to stretch and produce poorly.
“….High light inhibits plant growth - plants tend to grow taller when there is less light."

Use adequate spacing
Very high planting densities will encourage stretch. As the plant grows, its leaves will quickly overlap its neighbors. Eventually the sub-canopy will darken and lower portions of the plant will experience significant shading.
"Overlapping of plant parts reduces light intensity and changes light quality, resulting in light below plant canopies that is richer in near-infrared and far-red which encourages plant stretching."

Pruning, FIM'ing and topping
Pruning plants in veg and early flower can effect the flow of auxins within the plant. Re-distributing natural growth hormones from terminal shoots to lateral shoots is a good way to slow height growth.
Note: Pruning in SOG systems is not recommended, as this promotes bushiness.
Use blue-spectrum light
Using MH light exclusively during vegetative and early flower phases will help keep internodal length shorter.

“The light produced by metal halide lamps is in the white-blue spectrum, which encourages vegetative growth and "bushiness" while discouraging upward growth. This is the bulb to use in the first, vegetative phase of plant growth.”
HPS bulbs are the preferred lighting source for flowering. However, most HPS bulbs have a harsh and limited light spectrum concentrated in the far red and IR that encourages stretching.
Growers have a variety of bulb options to increase blue light during the vegetative and early flowering phase:
Supplemental fluorescents
MH bulbs, or a mix of HPS to MH (3:1 recommended)
Conversion bulbs (MH bulbs that work with HPS ballasts)
Enhanced HPS (a popular option these days)
Minimize night/day temperature fluctuations (more than a 12 degree difference will promote stretching)
According to Cannabis Culture : (
"Plant internodal length is directly related to the difference between day and night temperatures – the warmer your day cycle is as compared to your night cycle, the greater your internode length will be. The opposite also holds true; the closer your day and night temperatures, the shorter your internodes will be."

Minimize stress
Stretching can be a physiological reaction to a variety of environmental stresses (Low light, high humidity, low/high temperatures, transplant shock, leaf loss, etc). Maintaining optimum growing conditions is your best defense against stretch.
Anti-stretch additives
SuperBud is a popular additive to help minimize stretch and initiate flowering faster.
Bonza Bud (contains antigibberillins) shortens internode length while helping the predominance of female flowers.
Growth retardants:

Avoid hormones
Some foliar sprays and additives can encourage stretch. Spraying Growth Plus (containing cytokines and vitamins) during early flower may encourage stretch. "Cytokinine - activates cell stretching..."
Use side lighting (vertical bulbs)
Untested. The Phototropic effects of side lighting may limit the amount of stretch: “…dark side of the stem grows more than the lit side of the stem.” (

Grower's tricks
Use MH lights during vegging and the first 2 weeks of flowering (during the stretch phase) to minimize stretch.
Avoid high levels of Nitrogen during the stretch. Use a transition fertilizer ratio (2-2-2) during early flowering to maintain a medium level of Nitrogen.
Note: Switching immediately to a flowering ratio from veg can result in premature yellowing. Remember to flush soil out/change the reservoir to remove any high-N fertilizers.
Use oscillating fans to help strengthen stems (Please notice the word oscillating being used here)


Well-Known Member
WoW video, what a post:o

by the way, males don't stretch more then females, they got a far higher grow rate then female since they have to finish earlier then the female to successfully pollinate them;)


Well-Known Member
Males do have longer internodes in general.This allows the male flower to be above the female flowers, that in turn gives them a better chance of pollinating a female.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Green, so you think that males dont stretch more, just grow faster?
yes sir;) that the fact with males, they grow faster so they are ready in time to pollinate all your girls:) it used to be my first method to select possible males out of my outdoor grow before flowering, not to damn reliable but it gives a clue which fucker to watch more closely and in 95% i been right with my guess:roll:

you got that phenomena with many sexed plants:)


Well-Known Member
i have to agree!I use a 400w hortilux bulb,my plants have never strech more than 12'' ,i also use a cool tube so my plants are able to stay within 5'' of the bulb.i believe mh is best for keeping down the strech.GREAT READ BY THE WAY THANKS VIDIEOMAN.


Well-Known Member
guys, never used something else then cheap ass 6500K CFLs to veg with, as long they are kept at short distance, never more then 2" i have no stretching at all and the produce less heat and everywhere available;)


Well-Known Member
But do they grow faster or simply have longer internodes?
male plants have a faster grow rate in general, they reach total maturity way earlier then females. they could pollinated the females in time if they would grow/mature at the same rate as female pants do. the internodes maybe be bigger on males too, but nothing the less the grow rate in general is higher and that is the big fact here:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Exactly, great question, and I am sure a debate that will never be answered either. lol
sorry video that this not much of a debate to this issue since it can be answered by a minute of thinking.
Males have to pollinated the females 4 weeks before the buds reach maturity and start to decline/ haze on them starts to chem. decompose. so the pollen of those male plants has to be matured and air lunched to this date despite the fact that they didn't got a head start on the females.
so i guess the mystery should be solved now;)


sorry video that this not much of a debate to this issue since it can be answered by a minute of thinking.
Males have to pollinated the females 4 weeks before the buds reach maturity and start to decline/ haze on them starts to chem. decompose. so the pollen of those male plants has to be matured and air lunched to this date despite the fact that they didn't got a head start on the females.
so i guess the mystery should be solved now;)
Great thinking, logical, i agree, however

the fact still remains, males do grow taller than females, with less branching.

yeah they grow faster, but once the flower stretch is over with, males will normally be the tallest, and with less branching, this i have observed.


Well-Known Member
Since the male does less branching out it can put more of its energy into getting taller, in order to have a better chance at pollinating a female.If your thinking male cell division happens at a faster rate you'd be wrong.Males do often show their sex first, but that alone does no prove they grow faster....taller yes...faster at a cellular


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the post VideoMan. I was told that my plants may be stretching. Your post helped understand what he meant.