Seeking a growing mentor


Hello people, my name is Michael I am 19 years old, I currently live with my mother in the state of Ohio, and we had some plants until she decided to rip them out, cause we got into a minor argument, and now she claims that somebody needs to be "Responsible".

The only thing I aspire to do with my life is grow the sacred herb, and my family despises that about me but I think marijuana should be doing more than just getting people high, its Food, Fuel, Fiber, Medicine, and Recreation nature doesn't make mistakes x3. That's why I've come here seeking apprenticeship in the art of cultivation of the herb. I've done alot of research on the activity, and I've gone so low as to register myself on dating sites seeking women to pay my way and get stoned with me, but that isn't working very well running into WAY too many fake accounts cause I'm broke as fuck and cant pay for them lol.

I'd prefer to go to a state were at least medical is legal, so I don't have any fear of getting "popped" for breaking unjust laws definitely willing to move to pursue this "Dream" of mine feel free to PM (Private message IDK what its called on this site) me if you're willing to take a step out and help a young man along in his journey.

Tired of all my stoner friends and family that aren't willing to grow for no good reason, pretty hard to get caught unless you don't know what the hell you're doing, secrecy is number one if it's not legal where you live.


More like charity case written all over. I've been wanting to grow months into becoming an active smoker (Age 17) I know I'm asking for alot, but hopefully one of this sites members will be willing to take a chance.


Well-Known Member
you cant get some kinda personal trainer on here lol , maybe but i wouldnt no offense . just look at peoples grow and use them as a reference , the only way to learn how to grow is to grow, any1 can give you useful info , but in order for you to use it you have to learn how to apply it wich takes time of trial and error , some people go thru this more less then others but pretty much you needa learn by just doing a grow if you need help you can ask and any 1 of us just lurking around will help.

Also i think how every 1 thinks they can just say 1 day "hey ima just grow weed have my set up and it will be all good" i see alot of people in your state of mind hell when i first started to grow for the money i was the same way, but the reality of it is you gotta love doing it , and if you really want to get something out of growing be prepared to go thru a lot of trial and error and alot of expenses on necessities for your plants meaning equipment and supplies etc.

not tryna be hard just giving you straight fact. If i were you id do a stealth grow and learn and when you have your OWN space to do as you please then go ahead and do it


Global Moderator
Staff member
STL is giving it to you straight.
Use the site correctly and you'll have hundreds of mentors.
Doubtful you'll find someone to lead you around by the hand though - this is sort of a "self help" arena with an emergency room for advice.
Regardless, you must have your own space to grow - other options are unacceptable as you've already discovered.


My request is more of a partnership and guidance type thing. I'm only 19 I dream of being able to get a job and friends with jobs to be able to put a down payment on a house, where I actually have the security to grow in the privacy of a house vs rental property. But I really do not see this happening in the near or even semi-distant future I figured this would be the most logical route to take. I mean sure it may become legal here in Ohio by the time I'm 21 which is probably the age their gonna limit recreational at but the future is uncertain.


On your signature/quote by Churchill is exactly whats wrong with this "Men and women in the armed forces protect us" stuff. Sure I get they protect us from invasion I guess, but law enforcement and all that don't do squat vs having a firearm at the ready. Call them to clean the bodies off your property.


Well-Known Member
bro every 1 has your idea especially those in your position , (iwas in that position and age) its alot of BS before any reward in it, Remeber your gnna be eating shit,before you Know your shit !and THEN youll be at sizzler or wherever you like eating a nice steak lol . seriously man im just saying dont get your hopes up start small and work your way up


I mean I've thought about going and doing a guerrilla grow and all that but that just seems dangerous and silly, my worst fear is getting caught for something that shouldn't even be illegal in the first place and then becoming vilified for it.


Global Moderator
Staff member
On your signature/quote by Churchill is exactly whats wrong with this "Men and women in the armed forces protect us" stuff. Sure I get they protect us from invasion I guess, but law enforcement and all that don't do squat vs having a firearm at the ready. Call them to clean the bodies off your property.
Please don't try & preach to me son - I've been around a bit and might have a perspective on life you cannot imagine.


Well-Known Member
What are you expecting? Someone to say "hey why don't you come sleep on my couch and work in my grow room!"
Because that is highly unlikely, but also your best possible scenario. I think you may be suffering from some delusions of grandeur about what exactly your options are.
Get a shitty job, grind out some scratch, get a location and some equipment together, then come ask for advice.
You are trying to do things in the wrong order. I wanted to grow when I was 19 as well, but it was not till my mid 20's that I was able to place myself in a situation where it made sense to do so. Be patient, your opportunity will come.


Not trying to get this into a politics/evils of the world type debate, I came here to learn. Certainly do not need to be talked down to though. I know everybody likes to pretend they love each other, but when it comes to charity you're fucked in this world. I don't have any materials to give or I would.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
hey op. get a ticket to miami international air port. I'll meet you there one week from today. @ 5pm at the american airlines desk. I'll be wearing a red parka and blue hat.

If you wanna grow some good there.


I figured there would be some sort of networking like that available here on this site of all places either I need to be patient I mean I did just open this thread and it has been getting alot of traffic. I don't think it would be right to assume I'd just crash at somebodies house and munch all their food and shit, least I would do is become bitch maid, clean house and shit until I got a job and what not.


Starting to think that every interaction I have on the net is just a product of Onion routing, starting to make me question my reality lol.