My first grow.


New Member
  • Hi there Roll it up!

    This is my first post and my first grow. My seeds are Grape LA from DNA Genetics. I am on day 9 from seeds.
    Firstly, I have scratched the seeds in order to sprout faster, after that I've put them in stabilised rw cubes on 5.7 ph on a dark place for 36h. I will be using Atami Wilma System with clay pebbles.
    Until now, my plants were under 3 CFL bulbs (14W = 60W) 24h a day on about 3-6 cm from the top (1-2 inches). On day 9 I've put them under my 250W HPS bulb on 32cm (~12") from the highest plant. Since I've put them under it, the temperature has raised between 29~33(C) (about 90-91F). I have ordered a cooling tube, but until then, I'm stuck with my little fan, that is attached to the light.
    While my plants were in the rw, I was watering them ONLY, when the cubes were getting lighter, but keeping the humidity between 65-80%. On day 9, I've moved them into the clay pebbles and started watering them on every 3 hours for 15 minutes (ph 5.7 1/4 nutes).

    I am really looking forward for constructive criticism and tips!!!!! Sorry for the quality of the pictures, but did not want to disturb the light cycle for few shots.
    P.S. My Q? is what light/watering cycle should I use during vegetation?
    P.S. Sorry if confusing unit systems.​



Well-Known Member
Welcome yoursmothers.

Looks like nice setup. never grown just in plain clay can't advise on Watering. Lights pretty down to growers pref - Alot do 24/7 and some do 20/4 and others 18/6. As some one pointed out in Nature pretty much everything gets some Night time(Darkness Period) in fact was just reading a Post on this site and some Guy has measured during daylight,at the end of and then again in the morn and he states the Plants grew more during the Darkness period.



New Member
looking good man, for the lighting ive always down 18/6 for veg but currently trying 24/7 and so far so good. im running a flood and drain system and go with 15 minutes every 4 hours but yours could be different. also if you havnt already throw an air stone in there to keep the water aerated good. just make sure you keep a close eye on what your ph is. mine goes up or down depending on what stage the plant is often having to dose ph down or up twice a day! keep up the good work!:bigjoint:


New Member
I've set my light cycle on 20/4. Watering is set on 15 min every 3 h (dripper). Still suffering with the high temperatures, any good ways of cooling off my room, until my cooling tube arrives?


New Member
only thing I can think of is open the door to it and put a fan blowing plenty of air in there, the more flow the better! also the fan you have near the light I would move it down to the bottom, no need to pull the hot air from the top down to the plants, also you could cut back a couple hours of light until your cooltube comes, last think you want is seedlings biting the dust! before I got my cooltube I cut 2 holes in my closet door and put some vent guards like what you see on the side of your house and had a fan at the top of the door pushing air out the vent hole. doing a couple of those things should keep you in the cool while your waiting! the goal with cutting a hole and adding a fan would be to have the hole the same size as the fan so its almost like a turbine type fan, that way its forced to pull air in at the bottom more and not at the top, also if you do cut some holes put some kind of filter type material at the bottom vent so your not pulling random stuff like pet hair or what ever in your room! :mrgreen:


Good luck with the temps man, that heat can really fry your babies.

You mentioned you have a cooltube on the way? if it wont be too long i would almost consider using the CFLs until it arrives.

I had some real problems with heat on more developed babies at about 29-32c, caused a lot of leaf curl and a hell of a headache.

Obviously this depends in your strain though. ( Mine is Shive Skunk )

If you really dont want to use the CFLs untill the cooltube comes the only other thing i could suggest is a homemade CO2 generator ( yeast and sugar ) to help them deal with the higher temps, or run your light on during the night might help drop a couple degrees.

Good luck bud!


New Member
What about more ventilators, pointing at the light and slightly open the top part of my room so the warm air can go out?


definately worth a try mate! let us know how much you can drop it.. if you are desperate freeze some water bottles and sit them in there too.

Wont last long but might lower that peak heat a little

Good luck


New Member
In the 4 hours dark period, I took off the light with the reflector and a glass from an old frame. Quick and easy DIY cool pipe, managed to lower my temperatures between 23.5-26C (75-80F). Simply curved the reflector so the glass can stay there and put the pipe through.

The plants look good for now, but I will post photos of them later on, when there is what to see.

2013-12-10 13.21.59.jpg2013-12-10 13.36.42.jpg


New Member
Hi there, that's my fourth week from seeds (more like third, cuz i had to move my box which has obviously slowed them). The plants are looking good and happy for now. My light cycle is 20/4, watering from 1 hour after the light goes on, until 2 hours before the light goes off (Atami Wilma system with clay pebbles). I have slowly increased the dosage of the nutes during the weeks and cleaned the reservoir and tray once each week.
Q's? I have cut few of the bottom leaves in order the plants to get more 'bushy', i don't know if that is wrong, but i hope if that's bad to be criticised (hopefully with good arguments).
My light is on about 12" (31.5cm) from the top of my lowest plant (there is about 1" [2.5cm] difference), should I move it closer/further?
I am wondering should I leave them to veg for one more week or should i force them into flowering now?


