UPDATE 3 WEEKS 12/12 Begining of my BUD PORN


Active Member
I began with 5 pretty babies, but ended up with three. Two of which were males, so I tossed them out.

But now, Ive got one giant bush, with like 15 tops, and two smaller bushes with lots of healthy looking tops growing in, pistils every where, and nugs begining to form... Cant wait till I can wake up one morning and grab a nug...


LOTS of Tie downs, and Two topped plants. Left the other one to grow one main large ass cola, to see how it reacts compared to the one I topped.

Would you say the too smaller ones are more Indica? They seem to be MUCH fatter leaves than the leaves on the larger one.

Also, What is it that is causing the Bearclaw on the largest one? Its only on the two larger colas none of the other leaves are doing it... Its not over watered at all, if anything, its under watered.


Active Member
You can see, its only at the tops of the colas.. the older leaves are fine it seems.

I read some where that Bearclaw is caused by PH issue... But i cant find it, thought i had it bookmarked, but all i have is this


As for the soil, they are all in the same soil MG Flowering soil.

The larger plant has used up all the available nutrients in the soil, I BELIEVE... (says available nutrients for UP TO three months).

I've never understood what peeople mean when they say the soils "hot"

Do you literally mean HOT as in temp wise.. or what??


Well-Known Member
If I may, "Hot Soil" means too much nutrients. Have you added nutrients to the plant exhibiting signs of "Bearclaw" leaves? If not, it may be a strain which is sensitive to nutrients. MG soil, as stated many times on this site and others, tends to have high amounts of nutrients such as nitrogen. I have grown successfully with it but ran into a myriad of problems when budding. Looking at the said "Bearclaw" issue, I tend to think your plant is rootbound (pot size too small) and it is not processing the available nutrients already in the soil properly. How big is the pot it is in?


Active Member
If I may, "Hot Soil" means too much nutrients. Have you added nutrients to the plant exhibiting signs of "Bearclaw" leaves? If not, it may be a strain which is sensitive to nutrients. MG soil, as stated many times on this site and others, tends to have high amounts of nutrients such as nitrogen. I have grown successfully with it but ran into a myriad of problems when budding. Looking at the said "Bearclaw" issue, I tend to think your plant is rootbound (pot size too small) and it is not processing the available nutrients already in the soil properly. How big is the pot it is in?
This may be the most unique answer, but could be SO right...

My pot is a 3 gallon pot... but i fucked up, and only filled it about 3/5 of the way full...

If I transplant it now, what would be the benefit... since its flowering and doesnt grow its roots..

The soil im in is Miracle grow Vegetable and flower soil.
Next to the MG soil with no nutes, this is the LEAST nutes in their soil with an NPK of just

0.15 - 0.05 - 0.10

If the soil was THAT bad, wouldnt the smaller ones be more effected since they are small and would obviously intake more than they needed?

They are both bagseed..


Well-Known Member
This may be the most unique answer, but could be SO right...

My pot is a 3 gallon pot... but i fucked up, and only filled it about 3/5 of the way full...

If I transplant it now, what would be the benefit... since its flowering and doesnt grow its roots..

The soil im in is Miracle grow Vegetable and flower soil.
Next to the MG soil with no nutes, this is the LEAST nutes in their soil with an NPK of just

0.15 - 0.05 - 0.10

If the soil was THAT bad, wouldnt the smaller ones be more effected since they are small and would obviously intake more than they needed?

They are both bagseed..
Just dump in a bunch more soil to get it an inch from the top of the pot. The roots will grow upwards to get needed moisture, I have done this before, it works. No need to "Transplant" it into a bigger pot and disrupt the flowering. Just my two cents, hope you figure it out, good luck, peace!


Active Member
If it were root bound, wouldnt i be able to see at least some roots coming out of the drainage holes at the bottom?

I cant just add dirt to the top, as a bunch of branches have stemmed out towards the bottom. If I were to add soil, id have to pick it out, and add soil to the bottom. :'(


New Member
If it were root bound, wouldnt i be able to see at least some roots coming out of the drainage holes at the bottom?

I cant just add dirt to the top, as a bunch of branches have stemmed out towards the bottom. If I were to add soil, id have to pick it out, and add soil to the bottom. :'(
Huh?....strain to strain....pheno to pheno all diff nutrient likes and dislikes....how come every time I try to help u u wanna argue w me.....its very aggrivating....its fine man just keep doin what ur doin.


Active Member
... read it again. i didnt say anything to you... the response you quoted, had nothingto do wits nutes... what made you think it was to you?

it says ROOTBOUND.....


Active Member
Huh?....strain to strain....pheno to pheno all diff nutrient likes and dislikes....how come every time I try to help u u wanna argue w me.....its very aggrivating....its fine man just keep doin what ur doin.
And as for your help, so far you havent helped... you told me the little plants were being nute burned due to the "hot soil".....

But they were in fact, deficiencies, not burns.


Active Member
Huh?....strain to strain....pheno to pheno all diff nutrient likes and dislikes....how come every time I try to help u u wanna argue w me.....its very aggrivating....its fine man just keep doin what ur doin.

I could cut my plant in half and ask RIU WHAT HAPPENED!!!!

and it would be safe to say, by the end of the week, 1uvakind would tell me my soil caused it.


Active Member
1uvakind, if you want to help, id love to hear your opinion on if you say the smaller ones are more indica/sativa.

I see lots of fat older sugar leaves. But the others seem very thin

What you think?


Active Member
Read bk big bull...I SD little plants look good....
I know that, but those are the same plants you said were nute burned two weeks back, the ones I used urine for a nitrogen boost for the deficiency they had.

If those small tiny plants used up the nutes in the soil, im sure the large, 3 month old plant used up its nutrients.

I do appreciate the suggestions you make (other than the soil) for you are obviously a respectable grower based on the turn outs I've seen you post.

I just fully believe, my soil being pre-nuted is just not the issue. As I said, the ratio in the soil is less than .5:.5:.5... And that was when I planted it, 3 months ago. (the soil feed UP TO 3 months).

As I said, you are obviously a respectable grower, and your opinions are truly appreciated. But as you said on your thread theres just some things i wish people would stop bitching about..

They told you your lights are too far. Which 90% of the population on RIU would agree with. But, your results are indisputable. 90% of the population on here bitches about MG soil, but im comfortable with it so, get past that.

With all that being said, I WOULD LIKE your opinion on if you think their more indica or more sativa.


Active Member
Yeah I'm thinking its burn....the rusty spots indicate hot soil....hard to say tho...this is what I was talking about the other day when discussing mg soil...these are the issues I had sometimes which I haven't had since switching soils....I wouldn't feed em anytime soon...maybe hit em w some Epsom salt
This is what im refering too.


Well-Known Member

Plants look good. I went through all the pics and they look healthy. Keep an eye on the new growth. Might be showing early signs of lacking N. Very common around this time of the flower stage.

I feed heavy nitrogen through the entire grow instead of just focusing on bloom food. My feed ratio at your stage was 60% bloom to 40% grow following whatever the bottle said for mature flowering and vegetative growing. I always stayed on the edge of over feeding by watching how I scorched the leaf tips and backed off just a little. I did a 3 feeds to one water and added Molasses at week 5 on to all feeds.

Keep an eye on the bearclaw leaves to see if they show any new signs, but try not to do anything unless it gets much worse. At that point, post a pic of just the claw leaf on a new thread and see what feedback we can get.

I agree, looks like a Indica dominant strain with the fat leaves. Keep up the good work man.