How a newbie germinates


Well-Known Member this is for other Newbies, anyone else want to give thoughts would be great!

1) With bag seeds
I pick 6 of the most robust, waxy looking seeds
(I breed pitbulls for family and friends, since temperament doesn't matter in a seed, I go for physical/visual health and size.)

2) I germ in a small tupperware dome about 3 inches diameter by 2 inches high or so, about the size of a short coffee cup turned upside down.

3) I turn it upside down...lid on bottom for base.

4) I layer a some tp around by hand about 6-8 times, lay it down in the lid, add water until wet but not swimming

5) add 6 seeds

6) wrap another heavy 8-10 wraps around your hand, put on top and water same as 4

7) NOW this key... Put it under your bathroom cabinet(usually for most homes there is a vent there, and mine kicks out some serious heat that warms up everything in the cabinet. Check yours. It seems this is ideal for growth)

8) Everytime I take a dump I check on them to make sure they're still wet. About once every morning. ha.

9) I ve had 100% germination rate so far. Ive seen the water in a cup idea but it seems unatural for a seed. A seed needs phyiscal touch is my thought. The tp is very gentle. : )

10) wait about 3 days and spaghetti tips will start poking out. Plant them mothers!


Active Member
Nice post...

I keep pitbulls... we usually have a minimum of two at any time. But my older dog, Jaeger, just passed away...


Well-Known Member
Aw man. Sorry to hear that. Ive lost many over the years. It's tough when you lose a friend. To Jaeger, and all the other we've lost!