13/11 light cycle???

Canadian Joe

Well-Known Member
The 13/11 light cycle is genius. I switched to 12/12 Jan 2nd and two weeks later I had no indication of sex although it is a new strain that I haven't grown before but I'm used to seeing pre-flowers in 7-10 days. Anyways, within two days of switching to 13/11 I had pre-flowers so in the future I will be using this modified light cycle. Thank you very much for the suggestion.


Well-Known Member
The 13/11 light cycle is genius. I switched to 12/12 Jan 2nd and two weeks later I had no indication of sex although it is a new strain that I haven't grown before but I'm used to seeing pre-flowers in 7-10 days. Anyways, within two days of switching to 13/11 I had pre-flowers so in the future I will be using this modified light cycle. Thank you very much for the suggestion.
I don't know of it was the light cycle change if you were 2 weeks and a few days into 12/12. That sounds like right about when pre flowers should be showing with most strains. Unless you've vegged for like 3 months because at somepoint the pre flowers come out during veg. And will let you know.

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Canadian Joe

Well-Known Member
I don't know of it was the light cycle change if you were 2 weeks and a few days into 12/12. That sounds like right about when pre flowers should be showing with most strains. Unless you've vegged for like 3 months because at somepoint the pre flowers come out during veg. And will let you know.

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I'm trying to keep things short so I only vegged for 4 weeks before flipping. I need to do a side by side with the same strain and the different light cycle because you may very well be right.

I'm doing three plants, Hash Plant Feminized, Dwarf Low Flyer Auto Flower which I had no other choice but to put it in the 13/11 as I only have one grow area and a bag seed that was getting huge and I was afraid it was a male and hallelujah it was a girl.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to keep things short so I only vegged for 4 weeks before flipping. I need to do a side by side with the same strain and the different light cycle because you may very well be right.

I'm doing three plants, Hash Plant Feminized, Dwarf Low Flyer Auto Flower which I had no other choice but to put it in the 13/11 as I only have one grow area and a bag seed that was getting huge and I was afraid it was a male and hallelujah it was a girl.
Yeah, I'm not saying it isn't why it happened, only that the timing seems on par with when a lot of strains show pre flowers. I also think this is where breeders get their flower times no one seems to be able to keep their strains within, as they probably use whenever they throw preflowers as day 1 of flower, not the day they swap to 12/12. I'm not positive but it makes sense to me because pretty much every 8-9 week strain I've grown takes about 9-10 from 12/12 ime, but almost exactly 8-9 weeks from when preflowers show.

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Well-Known Member
wrong, its the opposite, decreases both. But in contrast, it shortens the flowering time.
wrong, its the opposite, decreases both. But in contrast, it shortens the flowering time.
Not so. It varies by strain. Some sativa's need as low as 10 on 14 off.

Has a grow using way less light. Yes yeild is reduced with the schedule he uses but it works and even produces quality plants.



Well-Known Member
So your trying to tell me you can change a flowering cycle of a plant that is in it's genetic just by changing the light cycle? Really please don't give out advice if you don't know.

Ding ding no chicken dinner here, this dude don't know what he's talking about

As to the OP just keep them on 12/12 and watch your trics.

Please people stop giving advice if you don't know!
Actually cannabis starts to flower at around 14 hours of daylight. Others, like some sativa's need to be dropped down to 10 hours of light.

Don't believe me. Drop your timer by 30 minutes a week or every five days and they will flower at about 14 hours.

Sounds like you are just repeating what has been said instead of trying anything.


Well-Known Member
I've tried the 11/13 it had no improvement for me and didn't save me shit either as it's only running 1 less hr then 12/12.

I did notice more times then not I had plants hermie on me on that light regime. So I'll just stick to 12/12.

I was never trying to fight with this dude but he refuses to listen to anything I say and his only come backs were links, if you can grow this plant in a different way and be successful then great but this is the newbie section not the advanced techniques thread.

It just really bothers me that people that have no experience other then reading try giving other people advice. Just get tired of seeing people coming back asking wtf happened with there plant.
Bull shit. 11/13 did not cause hermies. My plants outdoors get that every fall and are OK.


Well-Known Member
Dude, you shouldnt have typed anything after i said, i was making you look smart, you just undid my hard work.

You are truly a "special child"...

We are growing hydroponically indoors, dictating the envirmoment the plant is growing in. That makes the amount of light on the earth irrelevant, No its not even relevant. Not even slightly. dont argue, ill make you look stupider.

Since the dawn of the industrial age (commercial hydoponic research and development), we have discovered that plants have 2 stages, growth and flower. We also discovered that if a plant get more light then dark, its will veg, and if it gets more dark then light it will flower. So freaking simple. So now you will point out to me that, as i pointed out earlier, some places on the earth get more light then dark for 365 days a year. This is true, In the outdoors, mother nature has a few other tricks up her sleeve to induce flowering. But these are almost impossible to replicate, and alot harder to replicate then just adjusting your lighting shedule.

So to close, you keep posting stupidly irrelevant shit... This thread is regarding INDOOR lighting shedules, posting informoation about OUTDOOR lighting is stupid, unless you light your indoor cupboard with a sun roof or something?

Oh wait its you, nothing would surprise me....

I want a big green bar like everyone else, am i allowed to ask to be repped? Maybe some of the community think my informative posts deserve rep. I know my signature and avatar command respect... Roo orgy anyone?
Stupider is not a word stupid. You would use dumber.

Your welcome.


Well-Known Member
The Biggest Issue With All Your math is this. We All buy Seeds from seed banks Who "DONT" Use anything bar 12/12 for flowering (unless stated otherwise-They WIll answer if asked). So Those strains have been trained for the optimal Time Period matching 12/12.

Also There is a big difference between first light and Sun rise (about 30mins) And To be honest have u seen the light 5 mins Before First light... Its Fucking dark, Meaning all your wonderful math goes out the window as Im Pretty sure that the plant doesnt just go Wow its First light im getting tons of light, NO. It most likely isnt Receiving enough light to bother it just yet and it may not even register that its FIRSt light for another 10 mins-.

Try it with a lux meter- go out at first light and take a reading in your garden- lets see what you get apposed to sunrise.
You need to read the far red thread and learn what that red glow does at sunset.


Well-Known Member
funny how noobie's find these classic old threads

it was entertaining to read bmeat's posts again, just forgot how stupid that boy really was
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