PH level Answers


Well-Known Member
People have been saying that Vinager makes the PH go up and some say it makes it go down well I bought a PH level tester kit and here are the results

Non Adjusted PH Level colour
Picture 001.jpg

White Vinager used (PH whent down)
Picture 002.jpg

Baking Soda used with the same water tested with white Vinager water
Picture 003.jpg

PS - PH level tester kit comes with vile and PH Test Indicator and can be found at your local Grow store for about $12CND (Before Tax)


Well-Known Member
so your test proved vinegar made the ph go down?what benifits do you get from ph i havent learned much on it and was just going ot use tap water


Well-Known Member
so your test proved vinegar made the ph go down?what benifits do you get from ph i havent learned much on it and was just going ot use tap water
yes vinager makes the PH level go down I think that I should make a video of me doing it and post it and well the plants can only handel a certin amount of ph before it starts to have problums


Well-Known Member
I didn't think there was any debate on whether vinegar makes pH go up or down. Vinegar is an acid so makes pH go down - same as citrus juice or anything acidic. And any base - like baking soda will make pH go up. anyone saying otherwise is mistaken.

my opinion is it is better to spend the few extra dollars on grow-specific pH up and down but your mileage may vary.


Well-Known Member
I didn't think there was any debate on whether vinegar makes pH go up or down. Vinegar is an acid so makes pH go down - same as citrus juice or anything acidic. And any base - like baking soda will make pH go up. anyone saying otherwise is mistaken.

my opinion is it is better to spend the few extra dollars on grow-specific pH up and down but your mileage may vary.
I wanted to do this for new people that just want to be able to use the house suplies in ouder to adjust the PH level