Nutrient collection.....Someone teach me.....


Well-Known Member

My nutrient Collection is getting quite....I dunno...larger than I thought. Teach me how to use it all! :dunce:


bud bootlegger
lmao, jesus, and i thought i had a huge collection of nutrients, lol.. i think you got me beat...

the thing i'm learning about nutrients is it seems that less is more.. start out about 1/4 of what they tell you to use on the bottles.. every week or so bump it up by another 1/4.. continue slowly bumping them up till you see slight signs of nute burn.. once you see slight burn, back them off slightly and continue there..


Well-Known Member
lmao, jesus, and i thought i had a huge collection of nutrients, lol.. i think you got me beat...

the thing i'm learning about nutrients is it seems that less is more.. start out about 1/4 of what they tell you to use on the bottles.. every week or so bump it up by another 1/4.. continue slowly bumping them up till you see slight signs of nute burn.. once you see slight burn, back them off slightly and continue there..
Aight I'll start at about 1/2. I would start at 1/4 but I like pushing things to the limit so I'll start 1/2. In my mind I don't want a weak plant that can't handle stress or a lot of synthetic nutes so if it's weak or burns easy I chuck it and look for the strong ones. I guess it's my version of natural selection....but not so natural...lmao

well you definitely do have a ton! lol i use the general organics bio grow line and absolutely love it. i follow the feeding schedules on the box at about 1/2 strength
I do have the whole line of the General hydroponics (Go box) Organic. I'll give organic growing a shot with the GH GO line


bud bootlegger
Aight I'll start at about 1/2. I would start at 1/4 but I like pushing things to the limit so I'll start 1/2. In my mind I don't want a weak plant that can't handle stress or a lot of synthetic nutes so if it's weak or burns easy I chuck it and look for the strong ones. I guess it's my version of natural selection....but not so natural...lmao

I do have the whole line of the General hydroponics (Go box) Organic. I'll give organic growing a shot with the GH GO line
forgot to ask, are you growing in soil or hydro / soiless mix??

The Count

Well-Known Member
If you shoot me a PM with your email I will send you the schedule I used last go around that basically doubled my yield. Most all of it is advanced nutrients stuff and id add it as an attachment but for some reason it doesnt like excel files

The Count

Well-Known Member
You know with all your nute experience theyre over priced? Thats like saying a porche is over priced bc you only wanna spend the money to buy a civic haha... good luck with your FIRST grow.


Well-Known Member
You know with all your nute experience theyre over priced? Thats like saying a porche is over priced bc you only wanna spend the money to buy a civic haha... good luck with your FIRST grow.

oh yea? If I were to buy the entire line up which i would want it would cost me well over $400 which ya is the porsche of nutes so what the heck are you blabbering about.

I am not bashing AN. Understand that.

It is a good nute and produces well rounded results. It is just overpriced """IMO"""!!! I would not like to send $500 when I want to try somones product!

OH!! Let me add to thiS!!! Advance nutrients you know what they told me when I asked them if they had samples??? Exact words in email.

" You can buy our entire line and if you do not like it we have a 100% money back guarantee" WTF.....Okay yea....I am going to spend Hundreds to try your sample then go through the trouble of mailing them back to you to get my money back....horrible marketing...I would have rather her just say No we do not supply samples....

but thank you for trying to help I appreciate you were willing to give me your feeding schedule, you just didn't have to come off like that.

You have to realize I am a first time grower so ya AN is overpriced for me.

The Count

Well-Known Member
The point you dont seem to be taking in is theres a difference between overpriced and more than you have to spend. With a box full of nutrients that you have no clue how to use(why you decided to purchase 30 plus bottles when you dont know what to do with them is a question in itself) you're the last person who should say theyre over priced. If you came out and said I dont have the money to buy their line... understood... but saying theyre over priced means you can get the same/better results with other lines... which you very may well be able to do, but you personally do not know that. As I said they doubled my yield and I pulled 5.5lbs when I woulda pulled a little over 2.5lbs... Id say spending the 500-1000$ upfront is worth the extra 2.5lbs which got me an extra $10,000!! Ill spend a G to bring in 10x that amount any day!


Well-Known Member
Yes except I didn't pay for almost any of that. Yea assume I shoveled out money for stuff I don't know how to use. I went to a hydro show and got almost all of that for free.

I'm not a moron I spent about $100 maybe $150 on all that, which is probably well over $1k worth of nutrients. so go ahead assume I spent hundreds maybe a thousand on a bunch of stuff I don't know how to use.

It is a fact that AN among other lines are overpriced for what they are! They are overpriced marijuana nutrients! They are geared towards marijuana growers say different and you know nothing about the line. They drive up the price on things marijuana growers buy because they can and MJ hrowers will still buy it because an experience grower can make it back easily in yields.

Go make your own identical nutrients from the actual chemicals that are in those AN nutrients that will give you the same reults you will spend a fraction of the price. Get what I am saying? For what is in it, it is damn over priced but for an experienced grower yea it is worth it because it is easy to make your money back.

The Count

Well-Known Member
Your information is horrible bro... someone with 2 weeks growing experience spitting out "facts." No shit they're geared towards marijuana growers cause THATS WHAT THEY'RE DEVELOPED FOR! Just like a frickin car is geared towards car buyers. I dont give a rats ass about price cause I'm not some tight ass fool and you get what you pay for. I cant believe your argument is "cause you can make em cheaper"... no shit just like building a house yourself is cheaper than having someone else do it for you but does everyone know how to build a house? I have ZERO interest in EVER making my own nutes... Ill leave that to the PRO's. Ill make the INVESTMENT and when it pays out 10x in 3 months I'll continue to buy it. I'm far from an experienced grower but I do know the 1st two grows I averaged 1zip/lady and 1.5/lady... 3rd grow using AN products I was over 3zips. Most all the nutes I bought will last me 2-3 more grows so spend 1,000 to make 40-60k? Show me a better ROI than that anywhere in the business world. Long story short you have ZERO experience with nutes so before you come spitting your "facts" maybe you should get some EXPERIENCE first:-o


Well-Known Member
You need to calm down FFS also made you 40-60k I call complete bull because you haven't even grown in bags? and haven't even done other things? and you're claiming you made 50k ya okay. Just calm down I was never fighting with you I was trying to make a valid argument that to the first time grower AN is over priced among many other lines. I don't know why you are try to be mr tough guy and get your panties all ruffled.

But seriously just stop being an ass and being aggressive and just trying to run every fact someone says into the ground just because you don't like them. It just makes you look like an ass.

Also you don't need experience to know a FACT. It is a FACT you don't need to go get shot to know it hurts because it is a FACT.

The Count

Well-Known Member
So bc I used pots and not bags means I didnt make said $? 29 ladies x 3zips per @4k per lb = 21k... enough nutes for 2-3 more grows gives you the 40-60k(underestimate). Again bro... because they cost more than you want to spend does not make them over priced... they simply just dont fit in your budget which is fine. I'm not mad I just dont like reading a noob saying X is over priced when they dont have the experience to make that statement regardless if its nutes, lights, hoods etc. 99% chance you read where someone else posted that statement or you were told by someone else theyre over priced. Theyre the only nutes I've used and I like the schedule bc it takes out the guess work for someone like me who has little experience with nutes. It was developed by 5 dudes who each have been growing for 10+yrs each who spent 5yrs researching/using different nutes while all growing the same strain to compare results. The schedule isnt 100% AN but is around 85% and from my first time using it I have to say its pretty damn good. I'm sure Ill tweak some stuff here and there as its based of a 57 day strain but for starters I wish I had it my first go around. The offer will always be on the table for you or anyone else who wants it


Well-Known Member
Theyre the only nutes I've used and I like the schedule bc it takes out the guess work for someone like me who has little experience with nutes.

Oh my holy god you just ended this argument thank you! Yelling at me for not having experience with nutes and what not and you come out with that statement I am done here.

I do not have any beef with you nor do I not like you. So Someday I will try AN and I will need someones advice that has used it and had good results with their personalized sched but until than stay green and stop flaming people.

Good day sir.

and keep in mind pothead that just because someone doesn't grow pot doesnt mean they don't have several years of botany experience with veggies herbs and flowers :D

The Count

Well-Known Member
haha... still arent getting the point. Because something cost more than you want to spend does not make it over priced!!!!! Re-read that sentence another 50 times and maybe you'll understand where I am coming from. I never yelled at you... I simply gave you shit for making a statement that only someone with experience in using different brands of nutrients can make... and the experience good sir is what you lack to have any credibility to make such a statement. Just as if I said "fox farm products suck" (I've never used them) I would expect someone to call me out on it? Get it... prolly not.


Well-Known Member
Your an ass. I understand what you are saying completely. Get over yourself. I never said they sucked so that is a horrible comparison...oh wait im done here I forgot

The Count

Well-Known Member
And your english woes continue... its You're... not your:o. Just a heads up since you seem to be having a problem with anaologies as well... they dont have to be mirror images of a situation to deliver a useful message. Good luck with your first grow, I anticipate reading your nute burn post in the near future botnay professor.


Well-Known Member
You have nothing so you stoop down to correcting my online grammar? Proves my point. Have fun. Follow My Journal. Everyone I ask says I am doing a good job and am doing well and have great plants so far :)
Last post on this now pointless thread