my first cfl grow


Well-Known Member
They are looking pretty good, maybe a little over watered. But im not a soil expert I grow hydro. Do you plan on switching to MH/HPS lights at any time? I started out with CFL'S and thought they were great. I then switched to HID lights and they friggen took off. My commendation is if you can accommodate it I would get a 400w MH/HPS light or more. I went from 2 65w CFL'S to a 1000W light and my girls love it. If not then CFL'S do great just take longer. Just make sure you keep em as close as you can to your plants. I kept my within 6 inches of the plants when using CFL'S. Good luck bro and keep us posted!!!


Well-Known Member
im thinking of switching to HID soon need to pick up a light just dont have a big enough box for a 400 might just do a 250 for now. she hasnt grown much in the last couple days. 3-4 days is when i water right now.


Well-Known Member
What CFL'S are you using? They dont usually do much the first week but then week 2 and 3 they take off :) but they are looking good in size for only 20 days under CFL'S how long you gonna veg for? Ive only grown hydro and just put my first seed into soil yesterday so maybe you can give me some advice too. Thats what were here for bro. to help each other :)
Looking pretty good man. Here was one of mine when it was 21 days. Pretty similar.

Plant A - 21 days - 3-2-2012.jpg
Plant A.

Plant A - 35 days - 0316.jpg
Here's the same plant today at 35 days! Lol.

EDIT: I do have a 150w HPS, but it is shining on two of my other plants. This one has been solely CFL grown thus far.


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you guys using? I just grabbed some all natural crap from lowes. Not really worried if it grows or not since all of my other plants are in hydro but I figured hey if it grows it grows and if not well then I know what not to do next time :)
I got some miracle grow from Lowe's.. It's my first grow. I mixed perlite with it and I've used a little garden lime and my plants are doing pretty decent.


Well-Known Member
Yeah im not really sure what the stuff is i got lol. It says its good for seedlings and cuttings. I used it for clones and worked good before I transferred em to my bubbleponics systems. So i just mixed that with some hydroten. Well see what happens :) its just some bagseed of some mids. Nothing like what ive got growin in my hydro. Figured id experiment with somethin free first.


Well-Known Member
this is 20 days of vegging. my soil is just some soil from the local hydro store with no time released nutes and i added worm castings. i did one nutes feed but people said it was to early so i stopped.


Active Member
ThatL be fine.No need for a HID. I have 110watts on a lady on a month veg and I expect at least an oz and a half. If I did the math right you have close to 400 on her. She'll produce a lot with a good veg time. I do agree on the over water thing. Doesn't look like a drainage problem because I see quite a bit of perlite but there is obviously too much water in those leaves.


Well-Known Member
hmm ill let her sit a big longer then on this watering.
ThatL be fine.No need for a HID. I have 110watts on a lady on a month veg and I expect at least an oz and a half. If I did the math right you have close to 400 on her. She'll produce a lot with a good veg time. I do agree on the over water thing. Doesn't look like a drainage problem because I see quite a bit of perlite but there is obviously too much water in those leaves.


Active Member
It's growth looks stunted, probably from being over watered, but it also looks like it may be cold. Do you know the temps?


Well-Known Member
it very well could be cold cause when the lights are on the temps are around 72-78 and when the lights off it drops down to 63-68
It's growth looks stunted, probably from being over watered, but it also looks like it may be cold. Do you know the temps?


Well-Known Member
really ? thought when the lights are off you still wanted it around 75. then it must be the over watering and the nutes i feed it last week cause it was 2 young. ill let it sit without water for like 4 days or until its completly dry. im thinking next week i will switch it to flower. we will see though
Those temps are perfect. I wish mine were that good.


Well-Known Member
right now im outta town so my fiance might be watering to much even though i told her when its light and dry. so i should be home tomorrow