

Active Member
how old or big should a plant be before it is good to start topping off, or bending to allow more light to get to more areas of the plant?


Well-Known Member
a grow book a friend of mine has, it might be that new one by cerevantes, had a technique called FIM [fuck i missed] u pinch it early, but instead of pinching the whole top u just pinch about 30-60% of it off. supposidly makes way many branches. i guess u can do this after your first couple nodes appear

note: i did this wrong once and i pinched just through the leaves and not the shoot.. and had a node with pinched leaves :) so make sure u get in there good


Well-Known Member
Early Vegetative Pruning

After the tops come off, there's a window of opportunity to get those second-story branches to reach up to the top floor and stay there. After I've got the four main tops at the same level (more or less) and the plant is throwing growth shoots on those top branches, I'll FIM those new shoots at the top. This creates a thick canopy of bud sites at the top, and the secondary bud sites are close to the top as well. I use this method for plants that will finish flowering at about two & one-half feet. Anything shorter, like in a clone, quick turnaround garden, the FIMing should happen straight away. FIM it early (fourth or fifth leaf set) to keep it short. These seedlings were topped at the fourth node (leaf set), and FIM'd later to gain height.

After the attack

Post battle schematics

Group before the Battle

These are the NLs before boot camp.

After training

The soldiers, waiting for their next assignment. (after pruning)

The results are in!

This is the result of all that pruning and FIMing.​

Each of those tops will be a nice, tight Northern Lights bud.​


Active Member
thanks for all the helpful pictures. Is it alot better to prun, and top off, or if u are willing to let the plant grow taller should u just let it grow?


Active Member
I don't get the question, but i think i see what you're saying. It's only necessary to prune if your bottom branches aren't getting light. If you continue letting it grow with a shaded bottom, the bottom won't bud succesfully.


Well-Known Member
Holy crap Mogie, you are a veritable wealth of information!
If you wrote a book I'd buy it. Your illustrations and explanations are very user friendly and I'm certain, appreciated by all those new to the art.


Well-Known Member
is it a good idea in general or only if you have certain spots that arent getting any light? b/c i just topped all 4 of the girls and pruned off some big fan leaves that were completely blocking light. I fiured I needed to get light to the rest of the plant. it wont stunt their growth too much will it?