Tall & Scrawny


Well-Known Member
Looks like it will fall over if it gets much foliage

Should I top this for better structural support??




Active Member
yo needs tons of light, that thing aint gonna produce unless you start giving her what she needs. she needs proper lighting. keep it nice and close. make sure you dont burn it lol. but otherwise she looks alright i guess


Well-Known Member
Give that plant a lot more light. You Could LST that plant around your growing pot and this will make it better. Search some links on LST ( low stress training )..

Good luck bro.



Well-Known Member
stretching for light .bongsmilie
It was never more than 1/4 inch from and tucked in between 2 gro lux bulbs since hatched. It has always been the tallest of the litter and set the angle on the light fixture set for 12/12.

It's evidently a seedling that needed a higher light factor than I could deliver.

The question is should it be topped?


Active Member
I would top it just above the lowest two fan leaves and then get it under more light, like has already been said. As long as you leave at least two fan leaves, your plant should recover nicely from the topping and will end up much more bushey than it is now. I top all of my plants right after they go into veg and it makes them into little bushes. It does add some time to your veg, but it's worth it in the long run IMO.


Active Member
use lsting, dont top it. you dont have enough veg growth to top it you will not have a good turn out. just as dan said look up lsting!! you will have a better crop in the end, due to the poor stature your plant is in.


Well-Known Member
Here are a couple ladies (I hope they're ladies) that were germinated at the same time as Miss Tall & Skinny

The same light source is doing fine for them.

I'll read up on LST, thanks, but I'd like to know more about topping.



Active Member
Do you have any idea if "tall and skinny" is the same strain as your other two ladies? It doesn't really look the same. If this is the case, it could just be a difference in the strains that is causing them to look different. I grow hash plant and it always has just a single, main stem and grows much taller than my other strains. It often looks very similar to "tall and skinny," early on. I top my hash plants right after they go into veg and have a few levels of leaves. I always top it just above the lowest two fan leaves and it always recovers nicely and makes the plants much lower and bushier. Here is a link to a great article on the topping technique I use: http://www.cannabisculture.com/v2/content/subcools-topping-tips. Hope it helps ya.


Well-Known Member
Do you have any idea if "tall and skinny" is the same strain as your other two ladies?
All my seeds are from dubious and questionable lineage<g>

I'm too concerned about mail order, so my seeds are from my shake bag, friends shake and one outdoor spot that volunteered a couple seedlings last year, as well as this year....could be local midwest hemp variety or a spot where I accidently spilled some

The 2 nicer ones were found by a relative in her expensive stash. I always thought she overpaid<g>