Four FREE videos that will teach any noob the basics.(Hydro and Soil)


Well-Known Member
When I first started thinking about growing, I referred to some instructive videos. I cant tell you how much they helped!!! I'd like to share them with you, but first you'll have to go get a couple of apps to download, and play them.

To download the movies I'm about to give you, you'll need uTorrent, and to play them you'll need The VLC Player.

uTorrent is a free program from softonic, and can be found HERE.
The VLC Player is also a free program, and can be found HERE.
If anyone has any trouble with either of these programs, simply post back here and I'll help you sort them out.

Now that you've got the apps, you can download and play these informative videos...

Mr. Greens "I grow Chronic" is a complete guide to building your own indoor hydroponic system. He also shows you how to clone more efficiently.
His setup has his mother plants vegging under fluorescents, and are fed via a self-made drip hydroponic system.
He flowers them in an ebb-and-flow setup, under a 400W HPS similar to a Son Agro lighting system.
Mr. Greens "I Grow Chronic" video can be found HERE.

Jorge Cervantes has a series of movies that are very informative as well. They cover Hydro/Soil/ indoor/outdoor/greenhouse EVERYTHING! He covers all aspects of growing.
Mr. Cervantes' Ultimate grow Pt.1 can be found HERE.
His Ultimate Grow Pt.2 is HERE.
Ultimate Grow 3 is HERE.
Hopefully these videos will be as informative to others, as they were to me.



Well-Known Member
very nice subtle. always lending that helping hand bro. i've noticed alot of people won't dig or read to learn. maybe that'll help them.


Well-Known Member
Where would be, if no-one showed us??? Still growin' dirt-pot, in our back yards! Hahahah!

Sharin' knowledge, man!


Well-Known Member
i sure would like to see you do some dwc or some aero. the growth is so explosive man. just ask daisy mae, she wouldn't lie to ya. hahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
No problem, friend. If your not familiar with how uTorrent works, and your having trouble extracting the file, just re-post here, and I'll walk you through it...

Or you could ask the members of THIS helpful community to help you.