Outdoor Growing - Need Help


Yo Rollitup,

I'm a recreational user of marijuana and I'm starting to become a bit more enthusiastic towards the marijuana culture, although I had a period of resent for marijuana, I eventually learned to embrace it. Long story short, I'm looking to grow marijuana outdoors for personal and recreational use only. Which basically means, no, I will not be selling it to anybody and I will probably be greedy as hell and not share with anybody unless they are nice people of course ;). The only person that will know about this is me and myself only.

Now, before we get into any details, let me get this out of the way.. My situation is probably going to be one of the hardest to work around and let it be known that I have read a fair share of tutorials scattered all over the world-wide world of the internet, most of them list extensively that harvesting and working with marijuana plants are a rigorous job that requires a lot of time on your hands. Here I'm thinking, hell I just want to grow for personal use, why isn't there any guides for that? Is it even possible? I'm not looking to grow a greenhouse full of plants, I'm just looking to grow enough to satisfy a guy who smokes and tokes to chill (that would mean an ideal one to three bowls per day), you know, on occasion and not every single day of my life. Now, as far as my growing environment goes, this is what I can tell you, I'm a student in highschool and I live in Florida which is generally is a very hot and humid place during most seasons and I'm currently living in a deed-restricted residential neighborhood where all residents are all pretty high-up in the "well-paid" field, so I think they have better things to do than to be patrolling the area looking for anything "illegal". There aren't any snoops that I know of and my family here have been gardening small fruits and other vegetation for years in this residence and have had no problem with the neighbors .

I was wondering if anyone here at Rollitup could help me out, basically, I need some suggestions on what to do and if this is even possible. If you guys decide to respond, I will be more than happy to provide more information that is needed. Such as more environmental information and even possibly pictures of my growing locations if necessary. Oh and I'm looking to grow some decent bud, not necessarily the high-end shit that fucks you up but in the middle if you feel me, so any seed recommendations would be nice too.

Let it be known that I am a complete newbie to growing, which is something I'm not afraid to admit, we all gotta start somewhere right?

Thanks from a hopeful new grower,



iight bro i got chu. you gotta grow but your family doesn't want u knowin i'm assuming? so no indoors. outdoors, yes. any forests near you? find a place secret from sight unless your there. easy to get to, easy to get materials to, but hard to find except for you. plant in pots so you can move them around, for germing your plants and stuff, do it in your car so your family doesn't see your growing stuff. if i'm on the right track, pm me i'll give you everything you need to grow good.


hey bro,
first of all- WAY TO REP THE FL!! Im a FL also, but in college. So i know how you feel, ive been there, same position your in now.
second- pics would be great of secure areas around your house if you planning to grow outside. They will be able to tell us how much room your working ith and what the most efficient/secure way to grow without having any troubles. Another idea that I did growing up, is i would find a area of woods or evan brush that has some visual coverage and plant your babies (2-3 weeks old) there. Little risky taken into consideration the amount of people that may go near that area or any animal that may evan eat your product.
THIRD- is you neighborhood/subdivision a gated communitie, if so, another bonus to growing outside. No pigs wondering around the block!

Get back to me, love helping out fellow FL's!


Well-Known Member
Old ladies love the look of a nice herb plant ! So have a look around for an old deary who lives alone and drop a little seed into her nice fertile soil at the back of her property and then return and reap your reward ! peace and all the best !


i am in the same situation basically
That's kind of funny that you say that considering I've got a friend with the last name Sellers that I know, hehe.

iight bro i got chu. you gotta grow but your family doesn't want u knowin i'm assuming? so no indoors. outdoors, yes. any forests near you? find a place secret from sight unless your there. easy to get to, easy to get materials to, but hard to find except for you. plant in pots so you can move them around, for germing your plants and stuff, do it in your car so your family doesn't see your growing stuff. if i'm on the right track, pm me i'll give you everything you need to grow good.
Yeah bro, basically, I'm going to do a kind of a "stealth" outdoor grow I suppose. There are plenty of forests and woodlands in my backyard but to be honest I really don't feel like going through trees and shit early in the morning or even late at night (slackers unite?). I don't have a fenced off backyard of any sort but I have plenty of space to work with and plenty of foliage to cover my garden of weed with. It's hard to describe but I should be able to plant around my house so that I could easily bring things to and from my plants.

You're pretty much on the right track and I will definitely get pictures up of the area around my house ASAP. I'll drop a PM too.

hey bro,
first of all- WAY TO REP THE FL!! Im a FL also, but in college. So i know how you feel, ive been there, same position your in now.
second- pics would be great of secure areas around your house if you planning to grow outside. They will be able to tell us how much room your working ith and what the most efficient/secure way to grow without having any troubles. Another idea that I did growing up, is i would find a area of woods or evan brush that has some visual coverage and plant your babies (2-3 weeks old) there. Little risky taken into consideration the amount of people that may go near that area or any animal that may evan eat your product.
THIRD- is you neighborhood/subdivision a gated communitie, if so, another bonus to growing outside. No pigs wondering around the block!

Get back to me, love helping out fellow FL's!
Damnnnnn, you're exactly what I was hoping for man. Fellow Floridian that knows the shitty Florida weather! What college you go to? I've got plenty of friends in UF up in Gainesville and USF in Tampa.

Yeah, as for the pictures, I'm definitely going to get some today during the afternoon. It's about 6:46AM right now and I just wokeup, don't feel like getting off my ass to go take pictures outside.

My neighborhood is not a gated community but it is a deed-restricted community, which basically means..

WikiAnswers said:
What is a deed restricted community?

Some subdivisions are conditioned upon restrictions in deeds, as required by the Planning Board, and other restrictions may be imposed by the developer who owned the subdivided land where the community is built.

For example, a community may require each owner to have a right of first refusal to another member of the community before selling outside, or may limit the types of structures or uses that may be made of the properties in the community (e.g., no home-based businesses, no buildings within 50 feet of the street).
The people that live here are usually older and parents, however there are very few children left in the neighborhood. So I don't expect to be caught by anyone due to an accidental stumbling across my plants.

About the police, there are pigs that wander from time to time around the neighborhood for some "crime-watch" bullshit. They normally don't do much aside from just cruise around the neighborhood, which might I add is a giant ass circle anyways. They never actually get out of their cruisers and look around houses, they just patrol and drive in a circle.

Old ladies love the look of a nice herb plant ! So have a look around for an old deary who lives alone and drop a little seed into her nice fertile soil at the back of her property and then return and reap your reward ! peace and all the best !
Haha true, there are plenty of them around here, I'll try to hit them up sometime.

Thanks for all the responses so far guys, I honestly did not expect anyone to be so helpful. I'll be getting those pictures and posting more additional information as needed.


Yea man i know how you feel about the FL weather! SUCKS! But if your gana do it, it can be done!
I also have many friends at UF,FSU,UCF......connections wherevea, Im at AU, and the reason im here is to do what im doing, but im indoor, but i still can help you out since i know what your with working with.
HIt me up on a PM if you need anything, ill keep up on your thread, n anything you need, just ask.
LMK when u get some pics up so i can see what your workin with!


Yea man i know how you feel about the FL weather! SUCKS! But if your gana do it, it can be done!
I also have many friends at UF,FSU,UCF......connections wherevea, Im at AU, and the reason im here is to do what im doing, but im indoor, but i still can help you out since i know what your with working with.
HIt me up on a PM if you need anything, ill keep up on your thread, n anything you need, just ask.
LMK when u get some pics up so i can see what your workin with!
Alright man, thanks for the support, I will definitely be asking your for some advice once I get those pictures. It's good to know that this will be able to be done.

If you have any more questions about anything in regards to any precautions that I should take before growing too, feel free to ask. I don't mind responding at all.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to come off like a dick but im sure some will take it that way but ohh well. I didnt want to respond to this in subcool thread as I didnt feel that was appropriate place. Basically you stated your still in highschool and live at home wich probably means your a minor. You also stated your growing in Fl wich is not a medical state. So to ask advice from a mod that is doing things legit seems a bit far fetched. Im all for helping those in need and you comming to this forum shows your headed in the right direction. As far as the grow your pretty much asking people to help you plot out your illegal grow opperation for you . This is a crazy factor because your taking all the risk and by showing pictures of your prospected plot, nobody can tell you if your going to get caught by pictures alone. As a new grower myself alot of usefull information on here you just have to spend time reading. Bottom line nobody can do this for you and untill you pick your plot and plant your seeds and learn from trial and error everything you will read will be obsolete until you get your hands on training as well. Good luck though your thread already is getting responses of people willing to help and you will find alot are very knowledgable. But you going to have to do some reading before jumping in and asking for help from a busy man like sub especially without even starting the seeds.


Not trying to come off like a dick but im sure some will take it that way but ohh well. I didnt want to respond to this in subcool thread as I didnt feel that was appropriate place. Basically you stated your still in highschool wich and live at home wich probably means your a minor. You also stated your growing in Fl wich is not a medical state. So to ask advice from a mod that is doing things legit seems a bit far fetched. Im all for helping those in need and you comming to this forum shows your headed in the right direction. As far as the grow your pretty much asking people to help you plot out your illegal grow opperation for you . This is a crazy factor because your taking all the risk and by showing pictures of your prospected plot, nobody can tell you if your going to get caught by pictures alone. As a new grower myself alot of usefull information on here you just have to spend time reading. Bottom line nobody can do this for you and untill you pick your plot and plant your seeds and learn from trial and error everything you will read will be obsolete until you get your hands on training as well.
Yeah dude, I completely understand and I have considered the repercussions. Sorry if I haven't come around to understanding the rules around these forums, like you said, I'm new.

As far as asking subcool, I was reading his organic growing section along with a few of his tutorial posts he has written and I figured that organic growing was one of the easiest ways to grow and perhaps one of the less demanding ones. I'm a slacker by heart and I'm not necessarily on a budget but I'd prefer not to drop an assload of money on chemicals along with other necessities for efficient growing, especially when a lot of what I do will intially be like you said, trial and error. So either way, I'm going to be losing some money.

Let it be known again that, I'm completely new to growing, so I really don't know much if not anything. I've read up on laws and the types of punishments for being caught. As far as the pictures go, I doubt much could be done with pictures of plots of land, but I could be wrong and if you could elaborate more that'd be cool.

This isn't a side project that I'm just considering doing for fun, it's something I'm actually interested in.

But thanks for your input, hope you can respond to me too.


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude, I completely understand and I have considered the repercussions. Sorry if I haven't come around to understanding the rules around these forums, like you said, I'm new.

As far as asking subcool, I was reading his organic growing section along with a few of his tutorial posts he has written and I figured that organic growing was one of the easiest ways to grow and perhaps one of the less demanding ones. I'm a slacker by heart and I'm not necessarily on a budget but I'd prefer not to drop an assload of money on chemicals along with other necessities for efficient growing, especially when a lot of what I do will intially be like you said, trial and error. So either way, I'm going to be losing some money.

Let it be known again that, I'm completely new to growing, so I really don't know much if not anything. I've read up on laws and the types of punishments for being caught. As far as the pictures go, I doubt much could be done with pictures of plots of land, but I could be wrong and if you could elaborate more that'd be cool.

This isn't a side project that I'm just considering doing for fun, it's something I'm actually interested in.

But thanks for your input, hope you can respond to me too.
Pictures are risky no matter what, url, ip address ect ect when using the comp. Proxy servers are you friend. All it takes is someone else that may live close to you on this forum to recognize the plot. Now they may not rat you out but they could steal your shit cause Old peeps smoke too :) your neighbor could have already viewed this thread and you would have no idea. Most peoples pictures of plots either there in a state that legal or they have walked deep into the woods. your talking about pictures of your back yard. Im sure some do the same but its there ass. We all take the risk even the legal growers are at risk of the dea taking there crops. Just be cautious cause everyone viewing this site is not your friend. And to show you how small the world is. My cousin is a member of this site. Now I knew he smoked and him the same about me. After me posting a few threads he asked me if my real name was ***** cause he recognized the screen name I use from a video game I play. After talking with him in person turns out we both have something in common other then smoking and he found me here. Lesson learned for me dont use your video game screen name anymore. As you stated I went with organics too for the reason growing outdoor with organics seems more forgiving. Also this can be accomplished cheap. Usually you have ph buffers nutes ect sitting around your house. Luckily there is nice people to take there time to help but be cautious how friendly you become.


Well-Known Member
step 1. get a seed
step 2. dig a hole
step 3. add good potting soil into the hole
step 4. find somewhere to ditch the natural soil
step 5. add a seed
step 6. water lightly
step 7. wait.
step 8. water if needed at a time u know its safe to.
step 9. wait
step 10. (3-4 weeks later) get nutes
step 11. start adding 1/4 strength fert every 3rd watering
step 12. check for sex once it gets alternating nodes, i'd start more than 1 just in case ya get a male.
step 13. switch to flowering nutes
step 14. wait
step 15. check trichomes to tell when to harvest
step 16. harvest
step 17. dry
step 18. cure
step 19. enjoy your homegrown bud


Toke, your not doing anything wrong dude.
Your a new player in the game, and the thread topic is "New growers".
We have all been there.......
I also would suggest reading around this site and look at what other people are doing that is simmilar to what you want to do. I have learned alot by Reading what other people have done and what's good/bad for your grow.
GL Bra


Well-Known Member
i forgot to mention to slowly increase your fert dose as you progress in veg, flower nutes also should start at 1/4 and slowly increased and should be stopped approx 2 weeks b4 u plan to harvest


step 1. get a seed
step 2. dig a hole
step 3. add good potting soil into the hole
step 4. find somewhere to ditch the natural soil
step 5. add a seed
step 6. water lightly
step 7. wait.
step 8. water if needed at a time u know its safe to.
step 9. wait
step 10. (3-4 weeks later) get nutes
step 11. start adding 1/4 strength fert every 3rd watering
step 12. check for sex once it gets alternating nodes, i'd start more than 1 just in case ya get a male.
step 13. switch to flowering nutes
step 14. wait
step 15. check trichomes to tell when to harvest
step 16. harvest
step 17. dry
step 18. cure
step 19. enjoy your homegrown bud
Nice, short and simple I like it. Thanks for listing that seemingly easy process.

I've got a question for anyone here that feels free to answer,

Let's just say I've got a pool area in my house that has netted pool roofing so it gets plenty of sun. Although it's exposed to the public it's in the backyard of my house and hardly anybody walks through there. It has plenty of foliage and even if someone were to walk back there they would have to take a few steps closer to really distinguish if what I'm growing is a plant or marijuana. By that time, if I am home, I could easily spot them because of our sliding glass doors that lead towards the pool deck area and take care of business. It's easily accessible and I could bring whatever I needed to grow there.

Would you guys recommend these seeds? I'm planning on buying these "outdoor marijuana seeds" and in the description it says


that these are "indoor" but the thing that I like about them is that they supposedly have a low growth height (perfect for hiding it) and a stoney effect which is something I want. They "autoflower" and are supposedly good for novice growers and can grow in a short amount of time/have limited space (me in a nutshell basically). Plus, it's the cheapest that this website has and they are already feminized.

Should I buy these? Also, when if do buy them, how big of a pot and what is everything else that I would need to successfully grow these? Could I just put a seed in a pot filled with soil and let it do it's work? Would I have to put any nutes etc. in the soil or would I just have to water it when needed?

Thanks in advance guys.


Well-Known Member
i dunno, growing in plain sight like that is just asking for trouble. it only takes 1 person to see it and call the cops or 1 stoner to walk by and see it and return that night and steal it. wait you said your yard is open to the public but ya got some other plants to hide them? if so dont worry till flowering or a bit b4, they are gonna stink real bad and will lead stoners or cops to it . mj has an incredible odor just about anyone can recognize that can be smelled from hundreds of feet away if not more


Well-Known Member
thats perfect, it autoflowers and finishes up alot faster. where do you live?(dont need specifics just what region and when weather starts changing) if its gonna be getting cold and frost by end of sep or about i'd dig the hole but insted put it in a 5 gallon pot w/good soil and bury the pot for now then later if u need to you can bring it inside at night.


Well-Known Member
thats perfect, it autoflowers and finishes up alot faster. where do you live?(dont need specifics just what region and when weather starts changing) if its gonna be getting cold and frost by end of sep or about i'd dig the hole but insted put it in a 5 gallon pot w/good soil and bury the pot for now then later if u need to you can bring it inside at night.
im sure due to size of a auto flowering plant you could go 3 gallon pot if not smaller.


thats perfect, it autoflowers and finishes up alot faster. where do you live?(dont need specifics just what region and when weather starts changing) if its gonna be getting cold and frost by end of sep or about i'd dig the hole but insted put it in a 5 gallon pot w/good soil and bury the pot for now then later if u need to you can bring it inside at night.
Central Florida, it hardly ever gets "cold" here. If anything the lowest I've seen it get is about ~40 during the winter months.

Yeah, I'm considering leaving it outside for it's required amount of sunlight and then bring it inside, I've got an unused bathroom that could keep people from seeing it and I'm sure I could hide the scent via febreeze or some other type of air freshener/inscents . Would that work?

i dunno, growing in plain sight like that is just asking for trouble. it only takes 1 person to see it and call the cops or 1 stoner to walk by and see it and return that night and steal it. wait you said your yard is open to the public but ya got some other plants to hide them? if so dont worry till flowering or a bit b4, they are gonna stink real bad and will lead stoners or cops to it . mj has an incredible odor just about anyone can recognize that can be smelled from hundreds of feet away if not more
True, I've really considered that but it's really the only area that I feel confident getting to during the hours that I need to treat it. Yes, I do have plants, trees, papaya trees, and a bunch of other greenery in my backyard that could be used to cover it up. I'm not so sure about the plant odor, but it would definitely be hard to spot.

I forgot to highlight that there is RARELY anybody that walks behind my house mostly because if you follow a trail in my backyard you can end up in another neighborhood. There is an old woman and her husband that lives there and is really anal about people cutting across her "side-lawn" that leads to my backyard.. So kids, stoners, and other people are afraid to cut through. It's hard to describe but I basically have another house behind my house but it's not really that close behind. I have never seen any cops back there either.

I'm planning on buying the 5 feminized seed package from this website, would five plants really give off that strong of an odor? If so, would planting maybe two or three seeds instead of all five tone the smell down a bit?