Need Help ASAP - Leaves turning Dark green and Shrivling up


Well-Known Member
Hello Growers, i feel that there might be something wrong with my plant, im indoor growing in a closet, its only one plant right now which i hope to use as my mother plant. Its about 6 inches tall and was transplanted from outside i have a 120w incandescent grow light 1 ft from the top of the plant, temp is about 77-80 and i have not introduced nutes yet and the soil is from my compost pile, please help



Active Member
My personal experience has shown both heat and over watering can lead to the dark leaves and curling, yours however, are not quite that dark so the ph problem may be accurate,
I don't know how you guys manage to throw ph off so bad though...


Well-Known Member
4 weeks old, the ph is fine, its also produced light white specs on the tops of the leaves, i just got it on nutes today, how long till i see improvement?


Well-Known Member
just leave it a couple of days now youve gave them nutes if your ph is fine it might sort itself out
i checked the pH again and it was wrong, i flushed it and re-nuted ill give it a few days like you said hopefully my girl heals, ill keep you posted all, thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
Hey seeing how my plant started outdoor, would it be a smart idea to just clone it and start a new, seeing how i think its having a reaction from coming outside to inside