You've tried the search and found nothing? Try this...


Well-Known Member
This is a tutorial on how to use a simple, built in feature of Google to effectively search Rollitup.

"All too often Newbies and Vets alike will try the sites search engine and come up short handed, even though there are many related posts and threads in the database."

It's unfortunate, but built in site search engines are never as powerful as a full blown search engine like Google. So, why not take advantage of their complex search engine? Well, you can, and it's easy!

Here is my tutorial for you:

Google included a feature in their search engine that allows you to limit the search to just one domain (or website). They call this the Site operator. The syntax is simple, but must be exact and goes as follows:

your search terms

Notice that there is a space after the last search term, but no space after the site:0perator.
That part should read as all one word:

And don't mistake .org for .com. You have to be exact.

You can also be more specific in the search terms, also.
The above search will search for the word "your", the word "search" and the word "terms", all through the Rollitup site.

You can also make sure that google will look for an exact phrase, rather than individual words by putting the phrase in "quotes" before the site:0perator.

"bubble cloner"
"how to clone"

You can narrow it down even more by telling google to ignore pages with a certain word or phrase by using the -operator.

aero -aerogarden

This will search for the term aero, but only include pages that do not have the word "aerogarden" in them.

Another cool trick is to force a word to be included. This comes in handy when there are several terms that you are searching for, but some of them are very important to be included. This is the +operator.

b52 "b-52" "b 52" +nirvana

Google will look for pages with either b52, b-52, or b 52 that also include "nirvana".

Well, I hope that will make it easier for everyone on this site.

There are some other tricks, if you know them, feel free to add them, or I will when I get a chance, but these are the most useful.

I'm also hoping that my stoned ass actually managed to make some sort of sense here!

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
very nice man..........every one has problems searching and this makes total since ...... i always go to googel and search and see rollitup comes up sometimes but this will make it search this site for me getting what i need awww i am guessing you were smoking a sativa or you ran out hahaha .......always nice to see someone helping out with out being asked :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I dont think its been bumped cause anyone whos vaguely a geek knows this. still big up for educating the masses mate.



Well-Known Member
I have been banging my head against the screen since I joined, I guess I should have looked around a little.

Awesome post! VERY HELPFUL!


Well-Known Member
hey dudes, i can one up the original poster! click on advanced search under search, then under keyword choose titles only and type whatever you please, works like a charm...i found that out late one night while fucking around with the search...enjoy


Well-Known Member
I noticed yesterday when I tried to log on, it said the site was down because they were upgrading the search. I wonder if it's any better now. Growkindnugs, the title search feature is much better than the regular search +rep. The nice part about google, though, it will search not just titles, but posts in the thread, also.


Well-Known Member
I dont think its been bumped cause anyone whos vaguely a geek knows this. still big up for educating the masses mate.

I think you overestimate peoples intelligence, or know how. I think even some geeky people might not know this trick.

I had a client who was the technical director of the company they worked for, they had no idea how to cut and paste. I'm not saying that's average, but I think you would be surprise.

Anyhow, it is a good trick. Like the little whore said, thanks for educating the masses. (i feel so mean calling yo a little whore, but it's your name, haha)

GrowKindNugs said:
hey dudes, i can one up the original poster! click on advanced search under search, then under keyword choose titles only and type whatever you please, works like a charm...i found that out late one night while fucking around with the search...enjoy
I am going to give a stupid analogy. RIU's search is like a Honda Civic. Google like a Rolls Royce. Even if RIU updated their search the other day (i rocked the gold miner game) it will only ever be an entry level BMW.

Why use an inferior service when there is one (or more) better available, with no extra cost or work (unless you count typing into the address bar).

I'm not knocking you telling us about the 'advanced feature' just offering the opinion that the Search feature on RIU will always be obsolete as long as google exists.

Cow Tea

Active Member
I usually run a search through Google first, and Google will have options to view results from any of the root domains that come up in the search. So, you can easily sift through rollitup, grasscity, cc, etc to find what you need. I only use rollitup's search as a secondary one.


Well-Known Member
I have seen this quite a few times and think it's strange... when threads die, they are often brought up again almost Exactly 1 year later. Anyone ever notice that. Maybe it's just me.
