1st indo to outdo grow


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Spittn -- How's C-Town these days? Been a while since I could make it home, 2 years now I think.

See the edges curling on two of those potted plants? Is that normal is something to worry about?

Also, the plant that has yellow bottom leaves got knocked over and came all the way out of the pot and soil, roots totally exposed.. She is looking ok, I can tell a few leaves are going to die on her but the top of the plant is still very green..


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A few days back I found plant 1 torn out of the ground, roots and all. leaves extremely wilted.. i decided she couldn't be saved and threw her away. I assume she got pulled put by some sort of animal dug it up and tried to walk off with it because the fishing line I had LSTing it had severed a branch and broke another. So RIP Plant 1. For those of you who are counting I have 4 plants left, 1 outside and 3 inside.

Plant 2 is now Plant 1, and she is doing great!

Plant 8 is now plant 4, and was the last to go into a 1 gallon pot has had droopy leaves for 2 days now. I suspected overwatering, but then got confused because I let all 3 indoor plants go without water for 2 days.. when I watered next, plant 4's pot was still heavy! So I decided maybe something was wrong with the soil? I took her out of the pot, and gently broke off soil until I found the roots.. but thats just it! I didn't find any roots, I found the 3inch peat cup I had started her in. She couldn't grow through the cup! So I gently removed the cup, a few little pieces of root broke off. This is going to shock her I know, but I hope she can recover well.


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Update on the inside ones, currently they're under 5 CFLs. And the smallest has a little nute burn.

Plant 2

Plant 3

Plant 4



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I never said anything about this, but when my plants were struggling a week and a half ago I cloned one of them. This was the day that I pruned the plants. I expected the one I cloned off of to die because it looked bad and I took 1/2 of the good looking branches, one of these being only a single leaf! Look in the picture!

I took the cuttings with a scalpul, dipped in them in Supernatural RootBurst powder (I got a sample from my local indoor grow shop.) Then placed them into FoxFarm potting soil (I poked a hole 1/4 inch deep with a pencil) in a 16oz water bottle I cut in half, make sure to poke a few holes in the lid and also take the upper half off atleast once a day. These were placed on my window sill which faces east, so they had direct sunlight for the first 5-6 hours everyday.

BTW, this RootBurst power is THE BOMB. Me and my buddy took 30 cuttings from a mother he recently aquired for free as it needed a good home. We dipped 20 in Clonex and 10 in RootBurst, placed them into rockwool. Results were 10/10 in the RootBurst survived 9/20 in the Clonex survived, We did nothing different other then the rooting hormone used.



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Hey Wigmo. Yes, I am cloning a leaf and a small branch. Both have started roots, as seen above.

I don't know what's going to happen to the one leaf, but it's roots are growing. Good question actually, do I have to cut the leaf off to get new growth? Or scratch some of the stem? Or will it not even grow? Or will it grow to one HUGE leaf the size of a whole plant?


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So, of my original 8 plants I have 3 left. I did have 6 until today, gave two to a friend and one to my sister.. I gave them away because they were from seed, so sex was unknown. I will still benefit from these plants, whether male or female I will get bud or pollen from them. Plus I still have Northern Lights and Bubblelicious on the way from Nirvana.

This is the one I gave my sister.

You may think I am crazy, but I am not.
They got replaced with these.. follow the link.


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Plant 1, the one that was outside has been topped by a deer. I have neglected going up there, so my scent probably had long been gone and the deer came by. I used to frequent every day, but lately I've been worrying more about my clones and didn't care so much about this plant from seed. It is still rather big, 6 nodes. It had porbably 8 or 9 when the deer got it. A big part of the stalk is open to the world now.. Is there anything I should do to it? I can see the hole that goes all the way down the stem and stuff. Should I cut down to the last node?