The twisted adventures of Sunny Daze


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I have this old ikea dresser that my 7 year old has tortured over the years. It was warped, the drawers never came all the way out...I was going to give it away for free on craigslist, but then decided to make a veg box out of it instead.

As soon as I informed my husband of what I wanted to do. Any further input from me was set aside and he took over.

Apparently, I have a tendancy to wound myself when I play with sharp objects such as tools and he didn't feel like going to the ER last night, so he will build it, and I can watch.

My 8 month old decided to help.

So far it is just a box.....but soon the ventilation system will be installed and the mh ballast bought from ebay....any hour now.

Enjoy my newbisms....

Step One: Remove drawers and strip all hardware off the inside of the dresser and the "drawers" until all you have left is the front of the drawers and an empty box.

(picture 1 and 2)

Step Two: attach all the front of the drawers together via the same way hubby did....use wood and screws.....

(picture 3 and 4)



Well-Known Member
What I find coolest about this story is that you (the wife) actually came up with the idea. Usually wives are against the idea of growing cannabis. Kudos to you.


Well-Known Member
That veg box is B-E-A-UTIFUL!

With that said, the only thing I would've done different would be to place the plywood in such a way that it is EXACTLY in the center of the drawers...I have a thing for symmetry.

OR you can just paint the backs inside panels of the drawers white so you can't see through to the plywood...K.I.S.S. -- Keep it Super Stealthy ;)

Rep for j00!


Well-Known Member
yes you are right, I might just paint the outside part to hide the wood altogether. Maybe some wall paper border or something.


Well-Known Member
I say paint the back of the semi-transparent panels white...of course, this means you'll have to remove the pre-existing plywood, but it'll look great once you're done! AND you won't have to worry about your 7-year old dirtying and damaging the clean white paint if there is no paint on the outside of the dresser!


Well-Known Member
By the way, if you're going to use your Photobucket to post pictures, PLEASE privatize it with a password so that nobody can view your personal pictures.

I'd suggest using to host's quick, easy, and doesn't require you to sign up! Best of all, there's no limit to how many times your picture can be accessed (unlike photobucket who puts a bandwidth limit on your pictures) PLUS they won't take down your images for "violating their terms of service"!

p.s.: Give your man a high-five for me. Killian's is the shit.


Well-Known Member
that is great stealth. nice job.

sounds like you should bring hubby onto riu. we're thinking of starting a couple's club


Well-Known Member
lol "The Great American Family"

Sunny, I promise I'm going to keep bugging you about this until you do it -- PRIVATIZE YOUR PHOTOBUCKET!

I'm telling you this for your own privacy and security, since you've already posted pictures from there.


Well-Known Member
alright hon...ill go figure it out now....

Do you think it would be ok to put the exhuast fan near the top (since heat rises or should i put it near the bottom?


Well-Known Member
Good job!

Stick to if you just want to quickly upload a picture. It's what I use every time I want to display a picture in a thread, and it takes literally less than 30 seconds from the time you type in the URL to the time your picture is uploaded.