My Technics and Pioneers


Well-Known Member

When I'm not tending to my plants, I love to spin some are some pics of my setup......this equipment (espeically my vinyl) is as precious to me as my beloved herb :joint::peace:

I play techno/electro/breaks/house and just anything that I like the sound of really! LOVE it!!! :mrgreen:

Anyone else into DJing as well as growing fine herbs??



Well-Known Member
Awesome setup you have there, my friend.

After selling my moogerfooger, Little Phatty, and PPG Wave, and Roland TB-303 (they were hard as fuck to let go, but they fetched a hefty sum), I've become a Fruityloops 7XXL, Absynth, and Guitar Rig software convert.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man....I'm v proud of my setup. Yeah, I bet you got a pretty penny for all that vintage hardware. I'd love to get my hands on a 303 just to fiddle around. I have the Re-birth plugin for Reason, but I just love hardware.

I also use Ableton live MIDI'd up to my mixer as well. But my music PC is out of commision at the moment.

I want a Mac Book Pro! But I can't afford one right now!! :evil:

I play quite a lot of digital stuff nowadays, mp3 etc, but I could never get rid of my Technics decks and Vinyl. They will be with me forever :blsmoke:
I got some mates from reading that are big time DJ's they often DJ Heaven in London but have started branching out they did some gigs in South africa last year. Fun crowd :)


Well-Known Member
Awesome setup you have there, my friend.

After selling my moogerfooger, Little Phatty, and PPG Wave, and Roland TB-303 (they were hard as fuck to let go, but they fetched a hefty sum), I've become a Fruityloops 7XXL, Absynth, and Guitar Rig software convert.


why would you get rid of a 303??????!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey snowhite i do mixing and synth work as well.
I only have traktor dj studio for mixing though but if you wanna do some tunes and then let me remix em and vice versa let me know:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey snowhite i do mixing and synth work as well.
I only have traktor dj studio for mixing though but if you wanna do some tunes and then let me remix em and vice versa let me know:blsmoke:
Hey Nat...yeah man, I've checked out a couple of your tracks. Some pretty tight shit man. I really only DJ and have never actually managed to finish any productions myself. I just like to mix up other peoples shit. Always mixing it up and chopping things about, LOVE IT!! And the EFX on my pioneer mixer are the SHIT. So much FUN! :mrgreen: Then there's the hot cue/looping function on my CDJ which allows me to do some pretty cool remixes on the fly while in the mix. I use Traktor as well which is also VERY, VERY good, but I'm just more into my hardware at the my music PC is fucked and I haven't got round to sorting it out yet! :roll:

Very Nice setup, Heres a pic of my Setup.... Im building the coffin myself, still need to cover it!
Nice man, good job on the coffin....I used to have a vestax mixer too, they're v nice! :) What sort of stuff do you play mate?


Well-Known Member
Tomoorow i will post a psy trance remix ive done and you see what you can mess it up like ok:mrgreen:
I wouldnt expect you to mix my pure synth work thats unmixable shit lol.
I make that for heavy head trips whilst chilling out really.
My psy trance stuff is kicking:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I usually Mix Trance, House, And some hip hop. Been doing alot of remixes through my computer.. ill post some soon.


Well-Known Member
Cool man....sounds good. Send me a link for it and I'll check it out.

Talking of pure synth work btw....have you ever heard of Robert Henke? he's the dude behind Ableton Live. He's a fucking crazy German and is a GOD in my opinion. He does some really bangin productions under the name Monolake and they fucking rock. But he is a total synthesiser genius and you should check out his work titled 'Layering Buddha'...this is his concept....

I recorded the sound of one single buddha machine at 96 kHz, using a state of the art A/D converter. The recording contains audio information up to 48 kHz, which makes it possible to transpose the loops down and expose otherwise inaudible hidden details. The pieces on this CD have been created by granulating, filtering, pitching and layering either the original loops, or new loops which were re-assembled out of parts of the originals. Most pieces are based on one single source loop. The pieces as they live within my computer are set up as continuously permutating structures and theoretically could go on forever, just as the loops do within the buddha machines.
I made quite long renderings of these permutations and later decided which excerpt of each structure to put on this CD. Therefore, the tracks are not closed works, but views onto a perpetual machinery."

It is quite increbile and doesn't get any more stripped down and minimal than this!

If you want to check out some of my handy work on the decks, here's one of my mixes for your listening pleasure :blsmoke:

download it here....MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

19 Tracks - 1 hour of Dirty Electro/Techno Beats and Bass (3 decks and EFX)
Mixed by: SNOW WHITE

1-Black Sea Project - Curl (TakeOver)
2- Mad Mike - Chas and Order (UR)
3- Ed Devane, Red Monk & thatboytim - Guilty feet got no rhythm (TakeOver)
4- Antohny Rother, DJ Hell - German Body Machine (Datapunk)
5- Female - H.E 6 (Downwards)
6- Female - Severlan (Sandwell)
7- Lief Ryan - Skeg Flesh (Growth)
8- HeK - PopPadom Preach (RSB)
9- Patrick Pulsinger - Construction Tool (R&S)
10- Petter Fripp - Structural Pump (solarplexus)
11- Fix - Flash (KMS)
12- Joey Beltram - Instant (Tresor)
13- Steve Stoll - Circuits of Infinity (Pro Per)
14- DJ Valyom - Energy Low (Iron Oxide)
15- Surgeon - Floorshow PT II (Counterbalance)
16- Hertz - Steric "sidechained rmx" (Abyss)
17- Valentino Kanzyani - iPray (Jesus Loved You)
18- Carl Taylor - Twister (Advanced)
19- Jus' Phil - May B (Monumental)


Well-Known Member
I usually Mix Trance, House, And some hip hop. Been doing alot of remixes through my computer.. ill post some soon.
Cool it. I just posted a mix of mine which you can check out if you fancy it ^^^^

All sorts of techno/electro beats and bass in this one! I've got plenty more where this came from if you enjoy it :)


Well-Known Member
I have re edited all of the eq and effects so far of your mix snowhite using ableton live.
Tomorrow i will start to add bits and pieces of my own synth playing and special effx,samples etc.
I liked the mix and thought it was very good:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey Nat...thanks v much man. Glad you enjoyed it.

I look forward to your Ableton edit man. V nice idea, have fun with that :) I know I do!

It's a shame we can't hook up the MIDI clock from my mixer to your Ableton, we could really mash it up then.....that would be sweet! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah will take me a few more days yet.
So far i have just picked out all of the frequencies with some linear phase equalizers and increased the bass sub frequencies and blown it back up to 44khz from the mp3 and rendered it to disk.
Later on i will start to add bits and pieces over the top.
Sorry i know nothing about hooking up mixers to midi clocks.
What results does this achieve?:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yeah man...take your time...smoke some spliffs, you can't rush these things! :joint:

My mixer can send out a MIDI clock signal of the BPM from whatever I'm playing. You can send this BPM clock to Reason and Ableton etc and many hardware synths/groveboxes also support it too. It's part of the MIDI standard.

So it basically syncs the BPM between two devices. So you can drop your shit in Ableton and whatever you drop, is synced to my BPM. Cool huh? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ohh ok i see it attempts to sync the beats in real time with your hardware does this actually work though in practice when a mix is going all over the place?
Sometimes forced sync tracks are constantly skipping slightly out of time i noticed.
Maybe its just my crappy soundblaster cards latency issues though and maybe this doesnt happen with a decent sound card:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah, it actually works really well. I can set the MIDI clock on the individual channels of my mixer, so it will only run the BPM clock off one of the tracks instead of the master channel. That way, your mix can go a off a little, but the BPM remains constant off the one channel. You can also lock the BPM as well just by pressing a button.

The BPM clock can go a bit screwy on some track breakdowns (if not locked) and it has a hard time with some drum n bass patterns, but for heavy techno beats, it's tight! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I can sync all bpms and beats easily and perfectly in ableton by adding each audio track to a different channel and using the warp function to sync them but i don't know if it would be any good trying to do it in real time whilst attached to hardware,at least not on my bargain basement pc anyway:mrgreen: