So I was robbed at a gas station and the idiots got caught!


Well-Known Member
So I pulled into a gas station in Saginaw, and 3 guys in a car pulled on the side of me, I didn't even know them, they were looking like they were up to no good, and walked by my car and I had some medical marijuana on my lap in a bag, he must have seen it when he walked by pretty much he grabbed it, and I jumped out, they pulled a guns out, so I'm like alright let them rob me, and think they got away, until they pull out.. so they pull off and I'm like they got $500 worth of my stuff, screw that, I got into a high speed chase with them they were doing over 100mph I was doing 90 just to keep behind them, as soon as we got into it I called 911 and reported what happen, I got into a high speed chase running lights/stop signs to not lose them, and had every cop in the surrounding citys after them, pretty much they ended up getting pulled over on bay rd, by the city police, township police, state police, bv police, carleton police, a few dozen cops pulled them at gun point, but I lost them for 5 mins so I thought they got away until I headed out that way and I seen all the police I was like damn no way they got these guys, and so I pulled up and it was the 3 guys that robbed me, and I'm like so did you get the guns or my mm? No they said I'm like are you kidding me? The police were sitting there trying to tell me I was trying to sell them shit and they robbed me, and even tried asking for my phone to check my recent calls I said I'm the victim don't try to put this shit on me, and they pretty much said they hate mm and I shouldn't even be having it on me and they didn't want to bother "wasting there time to look for a gun or my MM if I don't know where it's at", and they don't care if I got a card or what the state says, are you kidding me? So after all that they let them go! yea are you kidding me? so it was me and my buddy and he's like dude if they robbed you and they didn't find it(they had a k9 unit in the mix so I know they didn't stuff it anywhere) He's like they had to of thrown it out before the police got behind them, and the police said as soon as I lost them they picked them up which there full of shit, so I'm like lets go walking, we walk for almost 2 hours, and find my medical marijuana on the side of bay rd RIGHT there, I'm like HELL no, so I called 911 back up and I'm like yeah so if the police would of did there job and bothered to look for the shit it's right here, so they come back up, and its 5am by now, he's like well we have to take the entire thing to fingerprint it, or we can't charge them, the cop said the guys fingerprints wouldn't be on there, and I put the bag on the side of the road to make them look stupid, are you fucking kidding me? So anyways I tell them to take the bag, fingerprint it and charge the guys with robbery which I'm in the process of doing, the detective was very cool and said If I pick them out of a lineup it's a rap, so mainly if your in Saginaw and you got Medical marijuana be careful because the police won't even protect you, I should go to the news and show how stupid the police are, not to mention theirs loose guns on the street the guys threw somewhere too..

can't wait for the prints to come back and show how stupid them fucking cops are and I hope they loose there job.


Well-Known Member
Not to mention why in the world should someone like me have to wait to get my MM back and they couldn't of just took the bag.

In all truth they violated the MMMP act by seizing my MM and after I told them that they said it wasn't seized and it was being taken because it was involved in a crime, So how long should I have to wait to get it returned, or should I be pressing the issue, makes no sense they need the marijuana to get fingerprints off a bag? Hell I wouldn't be surprised if the bag comes up short after they took it.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
If they saw you with your medicine out and were able to physically "grab" it..... you may consider being on the defense with more caution. Fingerprints aren't always recovered, but I hope you get those turdballs.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
You chased guys with guns over an ounce to two? You risked being shot and and risked arrest or at least being given a very hard time by the cops. You made 3 major mistake bro. It needed to be said (I can't here YuO), butt I hope you get those excrement munchers.


Well-Known Member
The cameras only show them pulling behind me there wasn't a camera on the side but it happen so quick I guess who could ever tell, the police went to get the video and yeah


Well-Known Member
You chased guys with guns over an ounce to two? You risked being shot and and risked arrest or at least being given a very hard time by the cops. You made 3 major mistake bro. It needed to be said (I can't here YuO), butt I hope you get those excrement munchers.
Actually I took 3 idiots off the street that might of killed or hurt someone badly that night, and they are lucky I didn't have my .40 cal on me I would of pulled the trigger if ANYONE ever pulls a gun on me again. All in all it was risky and wasn't about the MM or money it was the point that these idiots were going to get someone if not me. Hell if could of been your grandma if I hadn't pulled up.


Well-Known Member
Actually I took 3 idiots off the street that might of killed or hurt someone badly that night, and they are lucky I didn't have my .40 cal on me I would of pulled the trigger if ANYONE ever pulls a gun on me again. All in all it was risky and wasn't about the MM or money it was the point that these idiots were going to get someone if not me. Hell if could of been your grandma if I hadn't pulled up.
Personally I say you acted very stupidly over a bag of weed, just say they decided to stop during the chase and spray your vehicle with bullets? what then?

You left one idiot on the street, by your own admission you were neck and neck with them breaking the law, although you did not rob anyone.

I got into a high speed chase with them they were doing over 100mph I was doing 90 just to keep behind them, as soon as we got into it I called 911 and reported what happen, I got into a high speed chase running lights/stop signs to not lose them,
Great story, glad it MAY HAVE worked out for you, and really glad you and the three losers did not mow anybody down in your $500 hollywood style pursuit.



Well-Known Member
Wow dude! First off, that sucks balls that this happened to you. I can't blame you for what you did .... but I'm not sure I would have done the same.

The bottom line is that none of us truly know how we'd react until we are put in that situation. I think it's a stroke of luck that you didn't have your gun on you. As pissed off as you are over this, I think had you of shot someone and killed them over a bag of weed, or worse yet you would have been shot, you would have regretted escalating the situation to that point.

Hopefully the po-po do their job and hold these dicks accountable!


Active Member
Thanks, for going above and beyond to help get people like that off the street. Too bad there are not more people who will do there part, cops are generally the bottom of the educational and social barrel, so to speak, and normally focus mostly on causing problem for harmless citizens for amusement rather then dealing with dangerous criminals.


Well-Known Member
Wow dude! First off, that sucks balls that this happened to you. I can't blame you for what you did .... but I'm not sure I would have done the same.

The bottom line is that none of us truly know how we'd react until we are put in that situation. I think it's a stroke of luck that you didn't have your gun on you. As pissed off as you are over this, I think had you of shot someone and killed them over a bag of weed, or worse yet you would have been shot, you would have regretted escalating the situation to that point.

Hopefully the po-po do their job and hold these dicks accountable!

Or maybe arrested for being in possession of mmj with a loaded handgun. Regardless you go to prison. Especially when they blood tested you and it came up positive for weed.

Its easy to say you can shoot someone. I have shot someone and killed them. It's not a situation anyone wants to be in. I was cleared of the charges. It damaged my reputation and any respect in the community I live in... It was very damaged. Even people who said I was justified look at me different now.

Not to mention the guilt I carry around with me for taking another mans life over something petty.


Well-Known Member
Or maybe arrested for being in possession of mmj with a loaded handgun. Regardless you go to prison. Especially when they blood tested you and it came up positive for weed.

Its easy to say you can shoot someone. I have shot someone and killed them. It's not a situation anyone wants to be in. I was cleared of the charges. It damaged my reputation and any respect in the community I live in... It was very damaged. Even people who said I was justified look at me different now.

Not to mention the guilt I carry around with me for taking another mans life over something petty.
Exactly my point, Dale. In the heat of the moment you react. Given some time to cool down, I can only imagine the guilt/regret you might feel for taking another persons life .... especially over something as trivial as a bag of weed.


Well-Known Member
hur dur let me sit in this gas station parking lot with 2 ozs of weed on my lap. I wonder why the police would of thought you got robbed trying to sell them the weed?


New Member
they were doing over 100mph I was doing 90 just to keep behind them, as soon as we got into it I called 911 and reported what happen, I got into a high speed chase running lights/stop signs to not lose them, and had every cop in the surrounding citys after them, pretty much they ended up getting pulled over on bay rd, by the city police

so you valued catching these guys and getting a little bit of weed back more then u valued all the other people on the road and the minivan full of kids who might have been in intersection where u ran the red lights

they should have threw your ass in jail with those guys and took your driver license

and what kind of dumbass pulls into a gas station with $500 of weed laying in lap
people like u give other MJ users a bad name

would have made a great news story for the anti MJ people

man in saginaw hits a mini van and kills a mom and her kids while in high speed chase with speeds up to 100 mph just to retrieve his precious MJ

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Believing in "the golden rule" is a good start IMO. The whole karma thing kinda becomes a blame game w most non-eastern types. I'd be content if Karma was removed from everyone's vocabulary. Treat others how you desire to be treated. Nobody deserves negative shit, or at least the ones that do, don't seem to get their karmic shit nearly quick enough. Dog eat dog, that's American.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, for going above and beyond to help get people like that off the street. Too bad there are not more people who will do there part

...and suppose Mario Andretti hit a pedestrian or another vehicle while running all those lights and stop signs. Would he still be your hero?