Recent content by zelth

  1. Z

    Last Time Growing from Bagseeds

    Just a quick update. Six of the nine seeds germinating in the flower room have popped out of the ground. I usually use flouros for a week or so to get the plants going, but this time the light won't cover the area I started in well enough, so I'm starting them directly under the HPS. Right now...
  2. Z

    Last Time Growing from Bagseeds

    Here are some pictures of my rooms in action. Sorry about the wierd lines on the pictures, my camera tends to do that around a lot of light. I'll post more pictures in a few days, when things seem more photo-worthy.
  3. Z

    Last Time Growing from Bagseeds

    On the other side of the room, in the Flowering closet, I have nine seeds germinated and waiting to pop from the ground. These are going to be done 12/12 from seed to finish, since I'm not using the room for anything else at the moment. I'm using the Roots organic soil that came with my tent...
  4. Z

    Last Time Growing from Bagseeds

    Since I've started grow a few years back I've had an aversion towards buying seeds I'd probably end up killing, so I decided to stick to bag seeds until I had a pretty good bit of experience under my belt. So, I feel I've had a bit of success, and after this grow I'm going to start buying Fem...
  5. Z

    What kind of def is this?

    Oh yeah, I know she has a slight N def, which I know normally happens around this point. She also had a P deficiency which cleared up after I gave her nutes. The fan leaves are 100% yellow (N def), but the leaves in the picture seem to have a banded appearance and the veins are staying green.
  6. Z

    What kind of def is this?

    She's a pretty good bag seed. 5 weeks into flower. Just gave her some Jack's classic 10-30-20. It could very well be N, I just wasn't sure myself. Also looks like pictures I've seen of zinc def, so I figured I'd ask people who know better.
  7. Z

    What kind of def is this?

    No... No it's not
  8. Z

    What kind of def is this?

    Anyone know?
  9. Z

    Leaves curling under and drooping, turning yellow and greyish

    Alright, so here is what I did today: I mixed together the MG organic, perlite, and lime, then transplanted into bigger pots. They're still looking pitiful, but hopefully they'll perk up in a few days. Next grow I plan to ditch the MG completely and make a mix of mushroom compost, peat...
  10. Z

    Need help mixing soil

    Can anyone help me out with my soil mixture? The ingredients I plan too use are: -Mushroom compost -Sphagnum peat moss -Perlite -Bonemeal -Bloodmeal -Dolomite Lime At the moment I have everything but the mushroom compost, but I plan to buy a 2 cu. ft. bag tomorrow. All I need to know is how...
  11. Z

    Leaves curling under and drooping, turning yellow and greyish

    Alright, so I should add perlite and lime and put them into actual pots. I have a bag of plain Scott's Topsoil, which I figured would be better for seedlings. I also bought a bag of perlite, but I didn't read the whole label and it turned out to be MG Perlite "Enhanced with Nutrients" so I...
  12. Z

    Leaves curling under and drooping, turning yellow and greyish

    I checked my plants this morning at 9AM and found my bottom leaves are turning yellow and grey. The soil was dry so I watered them, and now, about 11 hours later, they are all drooping and curling. The cups they are in have very good drainage, but there isn't any perlite in the soil so that...
  13. Z

    First 400W HID Grow, Bagseeds

    I didn't get lazy with the pictures today, I got pictures of all my plants from several different angles. The small yellow plants are perking up and getting their deep green color back in little blotches, slowly going down the leaves. They should be fine in a day or two. The taller plants are...
  14. Z

    First 400W HID Grow, Bagseeds

    These are from earlier today. They're all looking much healthier, except the two in the glass pots for some reason. I got lazy today and didn't feel like moving the pots around to take pictures, so they all have those light lines in them. If anyone could tell me what might be plaguing the little...
  15. Z

    First 400W HID Grow, Bagseeds

    The day after the last pictures, I started nuting them with Jack's Classic at 1/4 strength. As it turns out, I was so worried about over-nuting and over-watering that I didn't quite use enough ferts or water to reach the roots, so in a couple of days I go to my grow room to find droopy, still...