Recent content by yipyap

  1. Y

    is it too early to move outside

    right now the plant is on a 18/6 light cycle. where i live i currently have about 13 hrs of sunlight and we're getting more each day. will this stress the plant or start the flowering cycle going from 18/6 to 13/11 and gradually up to about 16/8
  2. Y

    is it too early to move outside

    i have a plant that i need to get out of my house soon cause im moving. the average temps in my area now are around 40 for a low. will this kill my plant or just slow down the veg stage. the plant is about ten inches tall and has been vegging for a month and a half already (indoor). thanks guys
  3. Y

    Is Growing Shrooms Indoor Hard?

    do you have a link for this step by step guide to "shroomery"
  4. Y

    f**k me

    yea i had to leave them tho. got a good job offer. definitely wasn't super excited about doing it. but oh well ill just harvest, bleach EVERYTHING, and try again.
  5. Y

    f**k me

    well i guess alittle bit of shit weed is better then none
  6. Y

    f**k me

    yea pretty sure one hermied out on me. they were girls when i left. oh well looks like i wont be needing any seeds any time soon.
  7. Y

    f**k me

    so ive been gone for a little less the a month and i got back yesterday. ive had a buddy looking after the girls for me. i know they're about ready to harvest so i was super excited to see them. when i went in my room this is what i found. tell me those aren't a butt load of seeds. :sad:
  8. Y

    this ever happen to you

    awesome guys thanks im just going to get them as close as possable to the light and cross my fingures for a bit and see what happens.
  9. Y

    this ever happen to you

    Yes the temp at the top of the plants stays 75-80 all the time. Lights on or off. I have a thermostat that regs the temps but if I get to close to the lights I can't cool them enought
  10. Y

    this ever happen to you

    I built a light with twelve 34w flos. But it gets kinda hot at two inches. I'll try it for a day or two and just keep an eye on them. They really aren't strechting that much at all one isn't and the other a little
  11. Y

    this ever happen to you

    Lights are close. About 4 inches. I hope they're new growth but they look just like female flowers after a couple days in flower.
  12. Y

    this ever happen to you

    im on day 6 and they have been like this since day 2 they have streched a little but haven't really grown any
  13. Y

    this ever happen to you

    i just started three pants and two of them have no leaves. they look like they went straight into flowering. both have white hairs where the first node would start. the other one seems to be fine. they're on a drip system with no nutes, water ph 5.8, 18/6 under 400 watt flos all cool white...
  14. Y

    hermaphrodite questions

    all ive done for the last three months since i decided to grow my own is research. yes i had my eyes open (well half the time) and i couldn't find anything on my questions. thus the reason for asking. secondly you said that you dont see any balls in the pics i posted. in the first pic can...
  15. Y

    hermaphrodite questions

    so i can just pick the balls off as they appear. the male that i had had definate balls. they looked hard, round, and full. the balls on this plant almost look like new shoots but theyre not. is it possable that its a female flower and i just cant see the hairs yet cause i dont have scope.