Recent content by Wado

  1. W

    6 plants in 1 tote?

    Give it a shot. I did something similar for my first grow. I ran in to other problems like heat/light instead of space.
  2. W

    250 or 400 hps?

    117 cfm was enough for the 400w? I have some old fans hooked up now and they are nor very good. I think I'm gona try these out. Maybe two; one pushing air over the bulb and another and the end of a filter.? Much better than a $200 inline fan Thanks.
  3. W

    250 or 400 hps?

    Thanks for the replies. Looks like the 400w has it. Going to vent the air into another room. Too keep it cool. Thanks again! Happy growing!
  4. W

    250 or 400 hps?

    I have a 2x2x5 tent. Looking to upgrade to a HPS. I've had heating problems with cfls so I want to go with a cool tube. Dude at the Hydro shop wants me to slap a 600w into the space i don't think that is gona happen. Should I stay on the safe side 250w or go for a 400w? Getting a fan...
  5. W

    4 Tops on 1 Plant... PICS...

    Good luck with your experiments. Do what you like. see what works for you. play with different techniques and cutting in different locations. or try topping once in flower thats fun! Nice plant Jim!
  6. W

    freaky seedling

    Tricot? haha. very nice looking plant!
  7. W

    HELP!! Plant drooping Dramatically

    Hows the heat? or is the soil to dry? anytime ive had that happen its heat or needs water. good luck!
  8. W

    Can't figure out.

    Great thank you ill check it out. shes sleeping now :]
  9. W

    Can't figure out.

    Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this plant? I'v looked around and can't quite figure it out. bag seed, indoor, ~75-80 degF, 8 weeks into flower, low pH below 6.8 (bad strips), MG soil with a recent flush to get rid of the rest of the nutes, using cfls three 2300k and one 6500k...
  10. W

    Anyone Else Impatiently Test A Nug Today?

    Wife and I did last night. I was curious. took one of the lower darker side of the plant. yeah got a lil buz. :P
  11. W

    Flush or just wait it out?

    Looks like possible nute burn and leaf curling. Using Moisture guard miracle grow i know flushing might release more ferts. should i just deal with it the best i can or flush (alot)? Thanks in advance.
  12. W

    Molasses during veg?

    All life is organic in the sense a Carbon hydrogen and oxygen atoms in the molecular structure = organic. but commercial now organic in the terms or growing are NO man made fertilizes, hormones, and pesticides... correct me if im wrong its been a wile. ex. Bananas are very hard to grow...
  13. W

    Molasses during veg?

    To be scientifically organic i believe you need carbon. so H2O2 is not organic.
  14. W

    split and transplant?

    Alright thanks. Yeah I figured just to let them be. 3 gal pots for the next run. :]
  15. W

    split and transplant?

    First timer. before I new better i planted two in one pot. they are about 4 weeks of flowering. should I just let them compete, try to transplant them, or chop one which i really don't want to do. Could I cut the soil then separate or just pull gently if I transplant. One more thing. if...