Recent content by UncleMylar

  1. UncleMylar

    Police followed me home from the Post Office with my Attitude Seed Order!

    shrink to print, I just did. I am crossing out the word 'Michigan' and inserting the word (one of the 13 original colonies who choose to remain fascist. We were founded by smugglers, but overtaken by stock brokers who only like booze) and I am hanging it on the door. The way I see it is like...
  2. UncleMylar

    So, people say you can't smoke leaves and get high...

    Many years ago, I had a 60 watt small double fluorescent over a small plant bin in the closet. I will never know if it was a female or not, I had no idea what light timing was. I kept it on a timer at about 16 hours a day, and picked the top leaves or side leaves and microwaved them on PT...
  3. UncleMylar

    Outdoors with StinkBud, the most beautiful plants in the world!

    I used to approach my 20 by 20 foot patch, stragegically surrounded by that weedy bamboo, ener theoew the maze, and see my 14 ladies. But on a sunny warm early October day with no wind, at about 2 pm....I could smell them calling to me from about 200 feet away. ahhh...the good old days of...
  4. UncleMylar

    Outdoors with StinkBud, the most beautiful plants in the world!

    I'd just walk through the patch carefully doing twirls, naked and then put on an Armani suit and go for a job interview. They'd either love me and not know why, or think they ran over a skunk, wer embarrassed and hired me for that reason. Either way...I'm in.
  5. UncleMylar

    Re-Hello (with pollination queries)

    Well 78 views on a fairly simple set of questions, and not one reply. 78 slack-jawed readers who have no idea what the F they are doing, not replying to a idiot like me who knows now half-assed what he's doing. Ah gee,'s great to be back. This is why I grow alone.
  6. UncleMylar

    Re-Hello (with pollination queries)

    Howdy. Joined previous summer, doing good at 400 watts. First was an old sativ from a few years (20) of outside. It made the first and best hash ever (thank you you tube and a piece of silkscreen). Then someone gave me 4 seeds accumulated from seedless brands of indica. It wasn't as good...
  7. UncleMylar

    Father Used Medical Marijuana Oil to Heal Cancer-Stricken Child

    No he didn't...he used it to make the child eat. Ya had me thinking I could rub some bone on my prostate and make the cancer go away. I may rub some bone there anyway.
  8. UncleMylar

    Okay now this effects me, and we know how that s&cks.

    I've been growing for awhile. Just for me, and to save friends money. Now I have been diagnosed with 4.4 Gleason prostate cancer. need operation. Live in non legal state. It became legal in this house the day the guy told me I had maybe 10 years to live without the operation. harvested my...
  9. UncleMylar

    first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please

    I came in late, but can we talk more about breasts? It resin-ates with me. I wear latex gloves on my hands, and Walmart clothes when I handle the females. I mean my plants, of course. I breathe on them. I hum for them. I rub my nose between 2 of them and can't decide which to pinch first...
  10. UncleMylar

    Stay away from Attitude Seeds

    Sounds good. I took 2 clones from each of the 4 marked plants, they are under a small fluores.. I am not sure if they will be viable, they are in a tent and I spray with water. It's a crap shoot (inexperience..tried it once, slipshod, got 1 out of 4...not a great percentage) So the known...
  11. UncleMylar

    Stay away from Attitude Seeds

    I was checking Attitude out this morning. I'll take a shot, the dough is not a problem. It's the paranoia that 60 days after arrival, I get a knock on the door. (I guess they don't politely knock, do they...) I am in the midst of my first Indica grow, 2 weeks into flowering. The seeds were...
  12. UncleMylar

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Me too, learned mine wasn't ready. But I harvested 2 days ago. Oh! Nah, it's OK, first indoors, I knew 6 wks. flow. was too short, but I am hankering to get my special indic. in the flow. closet. I will say that outside, I never got buds as fat and long as the babies I got inside, same seeds...
  13. UncleMylar

    Very Cold Nugs

    "Solution : is a greenhouse and option for you? ghetto rig some cut down trees or 2x4's in a lean-to type fashion. put cheap ass plastic over it, put your plants in, and put shitloads of bottles and jugs of water in there..... even pain backs of jugs black, or have on top of black...
  14. UncleMylar

    One microsopic query

    Thank you.
  15. UncleMylar

    One microsopic query

    I have the microscope, 30 x, little light. There is resin all over the place, fascinating. What the heck am I looking for? 35 days in flower, big white trichomes, what is the part that would normally fill with a seed if it had been jumped by a male? I assume I am waiting for those babies to...