Recent content by tyrie

  1. T

    I have some hermaphrodites in my garden

    yes m8 it will pollinate your other plants or the ones close to it any way
  2. T

    what do i do with this hermie

    help me i dont know what to do with this hermaphrodite !! tell me what u would do !!
  3. T

    Hermaphrodite female for seeds

    go look at my profile i have pic's up of my hermie
  4. T

    Hermaphrodite female for seeds

    yes any plant can become a hermie, clone or seed ! the best method is to make sure ur clone is from a genuine female plant, then when u do hermie ur clone it will produce feminized seeds that will be all female not hermie, u may get the odd hermie out of them but the majority will be female ...
  5. T

    Leaves going brown and curling up !

    the leaves on my clone started going brown and curling up the way ! it started on the older leaves first i think its a lack of magnesium ! i am about two weeks into flowering and am growing indoors using both mh and hps lights ! so i treated the plant with epsom salt's i used the 1 tea spoon to...
  6. T

    MH and HPS lighting combined

    hey this is both my first comment on any thing like this and my first grow !! i am growing my plants under 400w mh and 250 hps ! i started off in veg with my 400w until the plant grew to 3 and a half foot tall then when i put into flowering i added my 250 hps ! i am currently 2 weeks aprox...