Recent content by Tribby

  1. Tribby

    Need some advice on a PC cab

    So this just arrived from Thinking of just using it as a veg box and getting a tent for some clones. What do you all think, worth it to grow from seed to harvest in this thing?
  2. Tribby

    DIY Microscope. Turn your Smartphone in to a Digital Microscope.

    Ive been looking for a cheap digital microscope, this seems like a good idea.. was about to buy one for like 50$ then I found this Anyone try it yet?
  3. Tribby

    Nothern Lights Grow - How Tall?

    I had a similar question about growing NL in a confined space so I just asked the breeder. He basically said there will be some variation in height but generally, a 3-4 week veg will give you a 2-3 foot plant. High quality, intense light will help to keep them short and bushy.
  4. Tribby

    What's the best fake urine?

    I can't say for sure, I've only tried the detox drinks, seemed to work. It also has to do with your immune system and how often you toke as well. If you smoke up every day, synthetic is probably the way to go.
  5. Tribby

    What's the best fake urine?

    I've had to fake a test twice, each time I just went to the local GNC store and bought the most expensive clenser/detox drink they had. Worked each time, the first one I was on parole, so I know it was legit. Second time was a few yrs ago for Home Depot lol.. they may not have cared if it was...
  6. Tribby

    Grow tents

    Walmart has a few reasonably priced ones under $200. Also try amazon.. hydroponic shops tend to mark things up a bit.
  7. Tribby

    Need some new gadgets

    Hey all, I will be starting a grow soon, need a few things first. - Day/night thermometer & hygrometer - pH digital tester - Soil tester for temps and moistness Anything else I should consider adding to the list? I'm looking for reliable, gives accurate readings etc.. but I'm not...
  8. Tribby

    Foxfarms organic soil micro grow

    Thanks for the info! Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.. during seedling and veg growth, plants seek out and consume mostly nitrogen attributed to leaf growth along with potassium and phosphorous for root and stem growth. Its reccomended to up the nitrogen during veg, then up the...
  9. Tribby

    Foxfarms organic soil micro grow

    Thanks man, I actually found pretty much all the answers to my questions after posting.. Big Bloom isn't a fertilizer from my understanding so its safe to use off the bat. A lot of ppl seem to like foxfarms for first grows since the feeding schedule is very noob friendly. Would you suggest...
  10. Tribby

    The dumbest shit you have ever done-Let's hear about it!

    2 weeks ago my gf and I got pretty ripped watching reruns of Lost, Netflix beotch! Went to make some food.. put a bunch of leftover shit on a pan, threw it in the oven. 20 min later I go to take it out of the oven but totally forget the concept of hot.. burnt the shit out of my hands and there...
  11. Tribby

    Mewk's Tiny PC Grow #2 / 69w CFL / Soil

    Hey mewk, I've been lurking around this and your last PC grow.. genuinely inspiring ;) I'll be starting my first micro grow shortly. When do you usually start feeding and what soil/nutes do you use if you don't mind my asking? This guy apparently got 2oz out of his PC grow w/ SCRoG.. I dont...
  12. Tribby

    Foxfarms organic soil micro grow

    This will be my first time growing and I just wanted to get some opinions on how to get the perfect balance of nutrients throughout my plant‘s lifecycle. Did some research and I‘ve decided to go with a Foxfarms all organic grow. I'll be working out of a full stack PC tower (MrGrowPro CFL...
  13. Tribby

    Strains suitable for a small stealth grow

    Thanks everyone! Sending the order in for a pack of NL pure strain today!
  14. Tribby

    Strains suitable for a small stealth grow

    I'm going with your experience on this so let's hope your right lol.. it doesn't look like Herbies or Attitude stocks PeakseedBC seeds :( On their website, peakseedsbc dot com, they say they deliver to the US but require a blank money order which is fine, I just can't seem to find any...
  15. Tribby

    Strains suitable for a small stealth grow

    Thx for the replies, much appreciated! What do you all think of Sensi Northern Lights? They're a little pricey so I wanted to ask if anyone has compared Sensi NL to other NL strains from companies like Seedman that go for a quarter of the price. Any suggestions?