Recent content by TopGunRich

  1. TopGunRich

    I Need A Group of People.

    'Yes' Im willing to Participate in the Raffle!
  2. TopGunRich

    Too late for this one?

    rather than just laying #2 on her side, replant her, there's a great thread on here Good luck mate
  3. TopGunRich

    Yoo From England!

    You don't have to wait for the roots to come out of the bottom, but that is then a sign you need to re-pot. some people argue that repotting before they need it means it doesn't use all the available soil space, but i think thats just bull, in the wild they have all the room they can get. It's...
  4. TopGunRich

    Yoo From England!

    Cheers mantiszn, i'll wrap something around it so its covered, then i can still have the occasional look to check up on them
  5. TopGunRich

    Crazy Place For A Bud To Grow

    ha, crazy little thing, looks like a native american wearing a massive head piece
  6. TopGunRich

    Yoo From England!

    hey guys, sorry for the delay, been away for a few days, with the humidity i wouldnt worry too much. Although they like more humidity during veg its not the end of the world if you can't maintain high humidity. i had muich the same problem, just keep doing as you're doing with misting them when...
  7. TopGunRich

    3D (3-Axis) Cross-Joint ...IT IS POSSIBLE!!

    Nice work, unfortunately its not a new invention, they are called a windmill joint, but nice work anyway mate, keep exploring, maybe you'll invent a whole new way to roll
  8. TopGunRich

    Yoo From England!

    you're both more than welcome, like i said, feel free to ask away, i'll always try and help. Its a lovely hobby, really addictive, and hopefully you'll get a lovely smoke out of it, keep up the good work
  9. TopGunRich

    Yoo From England!

    1, watering - most people agree its best to give it a proper water (until water does come out the bottem), it stops deposits building up in the soil 2, Try not to over water which is easily done in your forst grow, it says everywhere it is best to let the top dry out before watering. I can only...
  10. TopGunRich

    Yoo From England!

    Nice to see the UK growing spirit alive, i'll be following. I'm just coming to the end of my own first grow, im 4.5 weeks into flower. I would never claim to be an expert but i've read a looooooot while i grow so if you have any questions post them on this thread and i'll try to help, i've...
  11. TopGunRich


    yeah, unless you are looking to make some seeds, he's useless because he is definately male, sorry
  12. TopGunRich

    Let Me Know What You Think

    looks beautiful mate, lovely colours, have you tried any? what's she smell like?
  13. TopGunRich

    First Ever Grow

    hey mate, you won't get multiple tops unless you top it (actually snip the main one off) if you pinch it it just slows the growth of the main cola so that it bushes out a bit, or at least that's what i understand about it.
  14. TopGunRich

    RAPID death of leaves...with pics...PLEASE HELP!

    hey mate, just like everyone up there i would say its lacking phos, but like they say, if the PH has been thrown off (very likely with rain water)the plants won't be able to absorb the nutes, check out the tables showing what nutes can be absorbed at each PH level...
  15. TopGunRich

    A true Hybrid

    im no scientist but i dont think it can be done, i hope im wrong, i'll be watching this space