Recent content by time out of mind

  1. T

    Good way to promote healthy roots?

    I use a rockwool/dome set up and I've always found it hard to get my cuttings to root. I manage the moisture carefully but the cuttings seem to root too slowly. The last time around I surrounded the rockwool cubes with excellent quality super fresh soil at the third week and the cuttings...
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    Grand daddy purp 1st grow

    Dude those plants look great. Looks like fun. For flower I use molassas, Grotek Monster Bloom and a Botanicare product called Sweet. The monster bloom has a lot of potash. I think that really helps the buds get dense. The molassas and sweet do some funky good things that I don't...
  3. T

    i am so fucked

    One of my friends had a back up plan in the event a bldg manager needed to see his place. It was to rent a truck and load everything into the truck and lock it and leave it in the truck until the site inspection was done.
  4. T


    I really enjoy growing the Blueberry Kush. It is soo pretty. The color is a soft blue/green - a color like sage. The plants grow fast, but I suppose most plants do with optimum conditions. It buds early and keeps on fattening as it goes. The flower schedule seems to be about 8...
  5. T

    Any thoughts about this would be appreciated

    Sorry for the bump but I'm still trying to figure this out. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
  6. T

    Plant almost done

    Hey, how did the bud taste?
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    Plant almost done

    I'm pretty green but it looks like maybe the buds could be a little fatter. Will they fatten if you leave them another 10-15 days? I'm thinking the plants ultimate end is goning to be a couchy high. In my novice opinion on a deserted island I would go for the big couch and run them another...
  8. T

    Any thoughts about this would be appreciated

    Hey. Hi. Any help here? I have two kinds of plant growing; headband and blueberry kush. I put them at 12/12 several days ago. I don't know which is which and I'm trying to focus the second round of just cut clones. It matters because I am growing legally and I want to decide which...
  9. T

    Spider mites :'(

    I found this post searching for solutions to the same problem. Because it is sort of a Sunday night emergency I took the advice of joedirt420 above and spritzed my plants with a solution of Pine Sol and water. I used 3/4 of an oz in a gallon of water. It seemed okay. I don't think it will...
  10. T

    Learning process

    I killed a whole group of freshly cut clones a couple of weeks ago. It was horrible. Spritzed them with the wrong bottle. The way I figure it, if I don't get this figured out there is always rocket science.
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    Beginning of an adventure I hope

    Hi. This is my first post. Thanks for the board. It's really informative. I'm going to make an attempt at maintaing a journal on this board. I'm not entirely new to growing but I've never done one on my own...until now. I have been building a room over two or so months. Weekends mostly. 12...
  12. T

    New room, first time

    I just put in my first grow room and have a group of plants that I moved from Rockwool to soil about 4 days ago. I've helped a friend in the recent past with two rooms, but for now I am flying solo by the seat of my plants. The plants rooted badly in the rockwool. That is, tiny roots...
  13. T

    New room, first time

    I just put in my first grow room and have a group of plants that I moved from Rockwool to soil about 4 days ago. I've helped a friend in the recent past with two rooms, but for now I am flying solo by the seat of my plants. The plants rooted badly in the rockwool. That is, tiny...