Recent content by The Freebird

  1. The Freebird

    26 Days Flowering - Red/Purple stems, Light Green leafs with Brown Spots.

    Yeah that sounds like a good idea. She is starting to swell up a little so I'm thinking I'll chop her down in about 2 weeks.
  2. The Freebird

    26 Days Flowering - Red/Purple stems, Light Green leafs with Brown Spots.

    I fed her last night with the FF trio at 1/4 dose, today she has tons of new growth! The buds are getting fat fast, but she is also yellowing fast and there are spots on some of the upper fan leafs. I haven't noticed any increase in amber trics so maybe she has a little longer than I thought...
  3. The Freebird

    26 Days Flowering - Red/Purple stems, Light Green leafs with Brown Spots.

    In response to all, I flushed yesterday and my runoff was around 6.5. She is 30 days flowering now and it doesn't look like she is getting any more pale except for the fan leafs. Temps are 75f during the day and 70f at night. She is a unknown bag seed strain that my girlfriend got a while back...
  4. The Freebird

    26 Days Flowering - Red/Purple stems, Light Green leafs with Brown Spots.

    Giving it another day before I start to looking for signs of good health givin I only flushed it yesterday. Any ideas? I'm dying here
  5. The Freebird

    26 Days Flowering - Red/Purple stems, Light Green leafs with Brown Spots.

    Same problem different day. I flushed it today so I'm hoping to see signs of good health soon. Next watering I'm going to feed her a very small amount of the FF Trio. Any suggestions??!?
  6. The Freebird

    26 Days Flowering - Red/Purple stems, Light Green leafs with Brown Spots.

    Bump.. anyone? any ideas? I noticed some nute burn today even though I only used half str.. maybe I should flush her again?
  7. The Freebird

    26 Days Flowering - Red/Purple stems, Light Green leafs with Brown Spots.

    Thanks GrapeSc. She has matured fast, only 3 weeks in veg and about a month flowering so far. I'm thinking she will be done in 3 to 4 weeks, I spotted several amber trics under the scope yesterday.The pictures can be misleading when it comes to bud size, she is only 14in tall so you can get a...
  8. The Freebird

    26 Days Flowering - Red/Purple stems, Light Green leafs with Brown Spots.

    Okay I am not exactly sure what is going on here. I think it may be a little bit of a few things - Phosphorus, Magnesium, Nitrogen, Potash. It started about a week ago but now it is getting a little ridiculous. So I am hoping someone on here may have an answer/solution to my problem. Let me give...
  9. The Freebird

    My First Grow - CFL 3 days from flower

    Yes sir, I chopped off a nug a couple of weeks ago.. dried and cured it. It has an odd spicy smell on the outside before you break it open, I'm positive the smell is from the dead leafs. I could smell it, as mentioned on here in the past after she got burnt up, on the yellowing/dead leafs. But...
  10. The Freebird

    My First Grow - CFL 3 days from flower

    Ah okay thanks man, I've heard the term BHO used around here before, I'll check it out! Thanks Smokey! Thanks Fight! It came out a whole heck of a lot better than I thought it would. Buds are curing right now.. just waiting for them to get nice and sticky now.. I can't wait to smoke some of...
  11. The Freebird

    My First Grow - CFL 3 days from flower

    Butane honey oil? Sounds awesome, how did you make it? I'm trying to think of something to do with it. I don't really want to make cookies or brownies, I'd like some nice hash or oil.
  12. The Freebird

    My First Grow - CFL 3 days from flower

    Sorry I haven't been able to post for a while. I've been incredibly busy with work and I haven't had internet for the last 3 days. Anyways, the lady was harvested on Friday. The buds never formed or filled out all the way but she was ready to come down. She was a little over 50% amber and I was...
  13. The Freebird

    First Grow AK-48 CFL

    The ladies are looking lovely and very awesome piece. Nice work!
  14. The Freebird

    My First Grow - CFL 3 days from flower

    Thanks man! She is getting nice and fat for me, she has really swelled up over the past 2 days... And I got it, Crispy buds + not watching it closely = bad news. I chopped most of the crispy parts off, dried, cured for a couple days, and smoked.. not bad at all, not much taste though. The...