Recent content by thatguy1122

  1. thatguy1122

    air to cold for my hood?

    your gnna have to pull it in sumwere from inside your house cause think about how cold itll get with the lights off an im sure that constant super heating an cooling cant be good for your light bulbs but you wont have to woory bout the lights cause your plants will b dead from frost lol
  2. thatguy1122

    How to run 8x1000w?

    were do you get one of those at?
  3. thatguy1122

    increasing my yield with 2 weeks left!

    hit with blackstrap mollases 2 tablespoons a gallon
  4. thatguy1122

    XJ-13 (Jack Herer x G-13) problems

    i know for sure that your water is to warm
  5. thatguy1122

    XJ-13 (Jack Herer x G-13) problems

    mine is doin the same thing what is it
  6. thatguy1122

    Should water be ph'd when doing a flush?

    bump. i wanna know too
  7. thatguy1122

    Anyone have Mighty Wash resistant mites

    is that that water thats at a certain frenquency?
  8. thatguy1122

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    what county is this?
  9. thatguy1122

    CNN: 9/11 Mysterious Dust - Linked to Cancer.

    omg how are they gonna try that one fire out of the thousands these guys are invovled in is causing them to have cancer
  10. thatguy1122

    Point of life, suicide?

    yup nuthin matters and life fuckin sux you gotta accept it and learn to live with it
  11. thatguy1122

    My sister stole my ganja so i stole it back help!!!

    she prlly doesnt care if you smoke she just wants you stop spendin your money on weed and gettin high all the time and get a job and get the fuck out of her apartment lol
  12. thatguy1122

    Tryin to prove sum1 wrong

    im not sayin the only thing wrong with it is spider mites but it has spider mites
  13. thatguy1122

    Help save my harvest!

    Weres the [ic? i Dont need it tho to tell u wats wrong your ph needs to come waaay down like it the mid to hi 5 range
  14. thatguy1122

    Texas Is Soo Fucking Archaic

    ha if texas even got close to a medical marijuana state id be scared the world was prbly coming to a end lol