Recent content by swinson

  1. S

    Stealth Grow Marijuana

    I understand its cheaper to do it your self but I am just a little OCD and I like to have a clean look to my box. and 4 skews does not = a lock. I feel much safer with a lock.
  2. S

    Stealth Dresser Grow!!!!

    That looks great!! I personally use this stealth grow box. It a lot easier to conceal if you are living at home with your parents or if you are in college.
  3. S

    All stealth/pc growers READ!

    I Think one is really needed.
  4. S

    Stealth Grow Marijuana

    sorry if you missed it but the discount is gone. you can check back often to see if more appear.
  5. S

    Stealth Grow Marijuana

    discount code now available. visit the site for more info.
  6. S

    Stealth Grow Marijuana

    hey if anyone finds the case uses for the flower box post it here for all the DIYers
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    Stealth Grow Marijuana

    yes and no I get credit for sales but I also am interested in discussing other stealth boxes but as far as the BS thing goes I really did try to make my own but I had trouble finding exactly what I wanted
  8. S

    Stealth Grow Marijuana

    im not saying I can find one suitable for growing im saying that when i looked not now I could find one big enough WITH A LOCK
  9. S

    Stealth Grow Marijuana

    ya i know its like way way cheaper to do it your self but I didnt want to deal with the hassle of putting it all together my self plus I couldn't find one that's big enough and has a lock
  10. S

    Stealth Grow Marijuana

    time to bump
  11. S

    Stealth Grow Marijuana

    ya throw up some pics when you do
  12. S

    Stealth Grow Marijuana

    ya the $400 is worth it to have it all put together for you + it has a lock on it. And why did you leave all the computer stuff in there??
  13. S

    Stealth Grow Marijuana comments? I would think yall would discuss this way of stealth growing and any other methods you may know of.
  14. S

    SuperCloset Super File Grow

    dude you do realize it costs like $1150 thats like way to much to pay. check this out. pc grow case
  15. S

    Stealth Grow Marijuana

    As most of use know quality marijuana can cost like $20-$30 a gram, but with this stealth grow box you can pay it off and make a little in the first 2-5 months you have it. from then on your save saving a ton of money a month and maybe making some if you want to sell to your friends. Here is...