Recent content by swimmingjoker

  1. S

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Been checking out your setup as well as Al B. Fuct's. Love sativa strains which are great for my climate near the equator and I've gotten quite a bit of feedback to run it indoors instead. Is the setup so that everthing is in 1 room with lights 24/7? Was thinking about multiple rooms to split...
  2. S

    Growing near the equator

    Damn not exactly handy with tools myself, most renovation usually done by contractors. Doesn't look like I can find a good excuse to set up an exhaust fan in and out on my wall either.
  3. S

    Growing near the equator

    Interesting, if the yield doesn't suffer too much at those temps, I would be much inclined to run without an ac. If my mesh screens are able to stop mites, will windows on all sides in my 10x10 with said mesh be enough for ventilation?
  4. S

    Growing near the equator

    My apartment get hits hard with sunlight 10-11 min daily but regardless of set up I will be installing lights, possibly LEDs for efficiency. Was considering evaporative cooling but my climate already has high humidity. Will probably have to run ac if there isn't an alternative to lower the temp...
  5. S

    Growing near the equator

    I'm in SEA, I'd say 11 hours min sunlight but avg temp runs 95 or more due to the height I live at. I was thinking if indoor, I would have 3 windows to let light in and bugs can be dealt with mesh screen protectors over the windows. My next decision would be whether to control the temp with an...
  6. S

    Growing near the equator

    Yup, did look through the hawaii thread. I don't need to say where it is exactly but a couple of hints is easy to know which country. All equator countries have really harsh laws, more so when the babble heads claim to be ultra religious but are the biggest hypocrites :) I am staying in a high...
  7. S

    Growing near the equator

    Going to be my 1st time growing and would appreciate some input as I have not found much tips on growing near the equator. I live near the equator and at the top of a fairly tall apartment and my only immediate neighbours are below me. I am considering either an 'outdoor' setup with a sealed...