Recent content by Stassin

  1. S

    Help!! Fixed Rodent attack! Now problem after problems!!

    Hey guys, I’m back. As I made a post previously after a rodent got to my plant. I taped it up and continued to watch… Throughout the last week my plant has started to look like this buds drying up, limbs look okay, leafs look terrible. Ive taken dead leaf off each day. After the rodent attack...
  2. S

    HELP!!!Rodent attacked my plant!

    I’m laughing my ass off. These definitely weren’t the answers I was looking for but now I’m definitely confused on if I should kill it or train it lol.. I still need Actual advice on the plant too
  3. S

    HELP!!!Rodent attacked my plant!

    Just regular ole duck tape? Should I attempt to put aloe? Or just tape up and wait it out?
  4. S

    HELP!!!Rodent attacked my plant!

    Some type of rodent, I’m guessing a rat. Climbed up my plant and decided to chew away. He didn’t rip anything off. He just broke, bit and ripped a lot. I’m trying to figure out how to save these babies as I’m very close to harvest. How do I help this baby heal up? I’m worried about the limbs...