Recent content by sonofescobar

  1. sonofescobar

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    I don't remember what episode it was so forgive me but I believe Skunkman mentioned it was a three-way cross. That being said I'm with you and your mentor on that idea but who knows and if somebody does...please roll one up for me haha
  2. sonofescobar

    What is she trying to tell me?

    hmmmm well depending on what medium you're using to grow in I would PH and flush it then check the runoff to get a better idea but if may be something that could be fixed easily while you're still in early flower so you do not miss too many feedings. Just flush it once they dry out and dust your...
  3. sonofescobar

    First time grow

    Looks awesome keep it up and practice techniques in veg if you're in no hurry with your other seeds and label everything! (learning this more and more myself)