Recent content by Sogxprimetime

  1. Sogxprimetime

    Top cola getting dry and crispy 7.5 weeks flower

    Thanx man I couldn't find that problematic area. I looked. I think it's just the shadowing.
  2. Sogxprimetime

    Top cola getting dry and crispy 7.5 weeks flower

    I thought so too. Tough decisions.. I'm. Gonna let it go to sat which is 9 weeks.. Then decide. Thanx man
  3. Sogxprimetime

    Top cola getting dry and crispy 7.5 weeks flower

    Copt that. Another week it is
  4. Sogxprimetime

    8 weeks 4 days flower

    Ugh... Okay 10 weeks it is..hopefully at 10 weeks u guys don't tell me another week lol. I've been flushing and got runoff to 65 tds. I know people say it doesn't matter to flush but it's peace of mind 4 me and want the smoke to be smooth. Well thanx again guys and see ya in a week...
  5. Sogxprimetime

    8 weeks 4 days flower

    Ended up getting pollinated. Was gonna harvest her on Sat which is 3 days from now. What u guys think? I'm still happy because I got a ton of seed and the weed is potent. I know because the tops cola buds got crispy and I removed them. It's weird because I feel like the buds are still getting...
  6. Sogxprimetime

    Top cola getting dry and crispy 7.5 weeks flower

    What u think I was gonna harvest on Sat which is in 3 days
  7. Sogxprimetime

    Top cola getting dry and crispy 7.5 weeks flower

    So now I have to ask. Do I flush or not because I keep hearing 2 completely different things.
  8. Sogxprimetime

    Top cola getting dry and crispy 7.5 weeks flower

    K just Makin sure thanx. I will. Wait
  9. Sogxprimetime

    Top cola getting dry and crispy 7.5 weeks flower

    Should I just keep feeding?
  10. Sogxprimetime

    I need a second opinion on trichs

    Ok I take the unique part back. If it's malnourished it's malnourished and uniqueness most likely comes from something properly fed and taken care of throug out its life. I don't use social media. Rollitup and my close personal friends are the only ones to see it
  11. Sogxprimetime

    I need a second opinion on trichs

    Who knows maybe the starve makes it something unique