Recent content by Smokedogg76

  1. Smokedogg76

    RIP Etta James

    Well I liked her music. R.I.P. Ms. James
  2. Smokedogg76

    dolomite users please help

    Tried dolomite and didn't like. Watched the movie Dolomite and liked it.
  3. Smokedogg76

    TGA gear from Hydro Kare in Flint.

    Especially Flint and Saginaw,
  4. Smokedogg76

    OK need help i have a major problem

    Man, I'm calling BULLSHIT.
  5. Smokedogg76

    Coco - should i give it a constant feed?

    I just finished reading most of the previous post and I would like to add my 2 cents. Using tap water is cool, cause you get the minerals from it, but remember, its got chlorine in it. You're never going to build up good biologicals in your medium. Also, a little Cal-Mag never hurt anyone...
  6. Smokedogg76

    Coco - should i give it a constant feed?

    Hey man. I've been growing with coco for about 2 years now and my veg plants always did the best when I fed them nutes as needed with a Sunday water feeding. As far as weight goes, just pick up the pot about a foot off the ground. You know how it feels after a watering. You know how it feels...
  7. Smokedogg76

    dont buy off craigslist!!!

    your a nigger just for calling other people nigger......... nigger.
  8. Smokedogg76

    Does A Carbon Filter Remove 100% Smell

    cubic feet, not cubic square feet
  9. Smokedogg76

    ACLU To Appeal Today's Dismissal Of Lawsuit Against Wal-Mart For Firing Cancer Patien

    Hey I live in the real world. I know if I get high and my job makes me drop, I will lose my job. It ain't right but that's just how it is. How fuck up would it be if this shit made to the Supreme Court and he died from his condition before it could be...
  10. Smokedogg76

    Uniseals - Anyone know where to buy them locally?

    I just happened up on this post and I noticed you guys were talking about Geof from Sunnyside Hydro in Eastpointe, MI. I use to be a faithful customer of his up until about two months ago. Over the course of a year I have come to realize a few thing about Geof, he's lazy, forgetful and he...
  11. Smokedogg76


    IMHO the two card should be given out at the same time. I have both cards and I could care less. I'm not doing anything illegal with either card so why would carrying your meds and protection be illegal. Like my boy Ice Cube said "I rather be judged by twelve than carried by six".
  12. Smokedogg76

    How do you PH?

    When you add ph down, do any of you guys worry about nute burn? I don't want to kill off those beneficial microbes.
  13. Smokedogg76

    How do you PH?

    Does anyone worry about nute burn?
  14. Smokedogg76

    How do you PH?

  15. Smokedogg76

    Red Diesel 8 weeks into flowering

    Nice buds bro. 8-10 ozs.