Recent content by SkunkNYC

  1. S

    pot size

    15, 1 gallon pots may get the same yield as 3, 5 gallon pots. if you're scared of getting caught go with the 3 pots like i said, more chance of claiming it was for personal use, whilst also easier to manage, and cheaper as you need less seeds.
  2. S

    would appreciate some help selecting a strain

    Just go onto attitude seed bank and pick the high yield section, however harvest is affected by many other factors, lighting, nutrition, temperature, humidity and even the size of the pot, if you hit optimal conditions for each of these you will gain a good harvest with almost any grow Skunk
  3. S

    Emergence!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE HELP

    WHY IS YOUR MUM WATERING YOUR PLANTS?! and flush the plant as soon as possible, salt is toxic to plants.
  4. S

    wtf should i do i dnt wanna get my ass kicked

    someone has been listening to too much eminem! i do love the quote though :)
  5. S

    is it to late to grow?

    Might aswell go for it? If not make an indoor set up for them!
  6. S

    wtf should i do i dnt wanna get my ass kicked

    You Sir are a prick! CONGRATULATIONS :hump:
  7. S

    severe drooping in the afternoons. (Hot outdoor grow)

    Get it into a 5 gal pot and make sure the soil retain water well, it's your plant getting dehydrated, that's what you are witnessing. From Skunk.:joint:
  8. S

    This may be the stupidest lighting question ever but here goes.....

    LOL this is mad, dont string them up you dont wanna hinder growth!
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    Google is your friend, use it.
  10. S

    favourite porn star?

    Nikki Benz
  11. S

    Grow Seed with HPS?

    How do you dim your light down?
  12. S

    Grow Seed with HPS?

    600w and will have 4 plants.
  13. S

    Grow Seed with HPS?

    Hey! This is probably a really noob question but is it possible to grow my plants straight from germination using a HPS? I really cant afford more lights, so if this is possible what should i do? Thanks :joint: