Recent content by Skatch420

  1. Skatch420

    2019 Election Talk

    The party the media are not covering is Maxime Bernier & The People's Party of Canada and if they do it's subpar or negative... The platform is logical and common sense Centrist and not at all racist. Do your own research Think for yourself Wakeup
  2. Skatch420

    Tegridy Farms... latest vid is

    Worth seeking on yt... You all will love it.... literally shows these buttholes as they are
  3. Skatch420

    CannTrust..........greedy lying bastards

    The ONLY way they ever grew that much is completly ignoring EVERY rule and regulation... haha
  4. Skatch420

    One down in the Okanagan

  5. Skatch420

    Ship jumpers

    Selling out negates all positive pre legalization contribution... she's a stunned one for sure... saying anything positive about her is idiotic...
  6. Skatch420

    Trudeau’s Failed Cannabis Experiment:

    Cbc Radio keeps saying its a 22 billion dollar industry.... lol so damn funny... makes me laugh everytime
  7. Skatch420

    More Proof of a corrupt Failed system
  8. Skatch420

    Ford's New Type of CRACK - down..LOL ..What can happen if you buy illegal cannabis in Ontario?

    Bet more homegrown was shared for free yesterday then was legally bought...
  9. Skatch420

    Where did all YOU JERKS go that thought legal HYPOCRITE weed would sell like actual good BM bud is?

    I imagine there are detailed tracks and records left behind of collusion, corruption, and criminal acts by those who legally lied their way through this process. A criminal puts their needs ahead of others... Is it possible for Criminals to succeed in politics and business? Who was the first?
  10. Skatch420

    First Nations setting their own cannabis laws
  11. Skatch420

    Impairment by cannabis' a factor in fatal Mill Woods crash, police say Social Sharing
  12. Skatch420

    Impairment by cannabis' a factor in fatal Mill Woods crash, police say Social Sharing
  13. Skatch420

    trudy apologises......just not to us

    Yes plenty of destroyed relationships, families, & individuals... Remember how they killed our dogs in the name of "The war on drugs" I bet drug testing ain't happening at any of the leo's cause they would loose 1/2 their staff like any other business
  14. Skatch420

    Ontario retail licence class action lawsuit :)
  15. Skatch420

    and another criminal organization bites it