Recent content by Sirwad

  1. Sirwad

    Just harvested and hung to dry - how's it look / how much you think is here?

    The fan leaves were removed a week ago and this is just the 6th week of budding. I personally give them another 3 weeks then harvest. But as far as skinning the plant thats the way I was taught to grow and manicure it when fruiting. Just ow I've been doing it for 20 years I guess. It works for me...
  2. Sirwad

    Damn Girl Your Huge...

    She was started from seed... May 13 2010 20 Gallon white Walmart container (Drain holes drilled throughout bottom) Miracle Grow potting soil and Perillite (75/25 mix) Fertilized 4 times with standard 20-20-20 plant food Aug 24 2010 plant removed from container and rootball cut down by half...
  3. Sirwad


    DO NOT... I REPEAT DO NOT use Vinegar on your plants. Sure it kills the bugs... by killing your plants! Its used in weed killers not pesticides. Tried this advice with 5% Distilled White Vinegar in a 50/50 solution with water almost killed my plant and it was a very established 11 foot plant. DO...