Recent content by sir doja

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    Trouble using bulbs

    you know what no body was talking to u dick mouth
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    Trouble using bulbs

    i meen one of the long ones with 2 loops
  3. S

    I think i dried my buds too much on accident

    y dont u just put the bud in a film canister get a wet paper towel over the top and then put the lid on over the paper towel thats what i do
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    Trouble using bulbs

    lol no my parents know its all good
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    Trouble using bulbs

    ok i know what u meen about the spiral ya those are cheap and my mom is big into plants and shit so she buys the best soil there is so i think im good for nutrints oh and when im smoking a joint or smokin a bowl ill put the ash's in with the soil but ill try and get some lights today but can i...
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    Trouble using bulbs

    the app bulb is from a lava lamp im using the base of it and its turned upside down and i cant go out and buy any other bulb cause im so poor i can just barely afford a half Ounce a month so im on a very tight budget so what can i do with ount going out and buying things i have a energy...
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    Trouble using bulbs

    hi im a new grower im using a 40 watt appliance bulb and my plant has 4 leaves on the top and their curling towards the light and one leaf has a brown spot my plant is still a sprout plz help me
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    Please help

    well im a kid i have to wait until my parents to go their if i want to so what shood i use untill then
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    11/21/06 Aerogarden Update w/pics

    i wish my plant would hurry the fuck up and grow im using an appliance bulb if thats not good plz send me a message to tell me plzzzzz!!!!!
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    Please help

    shit i knew it well im not about to go out and buy one cause i can barely afford to buy weed all i have is 60 watt normal bulbs energy efitiant bulbs and i have that app bulb from a lava lamp turned upside down. witch one is the best ? out of those
  11. S

    What do YOU use as bong water??? (When you dont use water)

    i use gatoraide some times and fruitopia is good u shoode use drinks that dont fizz. :peace: peace :peace:
  12. S

    Please help

    please help me this is my first time growing and im using a 40 watt appliance bulb cause i don't have any other one i set it up yesterday and my plant is still a sprout and it has 4 leaves 2 milk leaves and 2 leaves that appear to be pot leaves but the pot leaves are going for the light but...