Recent content by SilentQ

  1. SilentQ

    Nature vs Nurture

    The grower and plant are synergistic, in a sense. Even with the worst genetics, an expert grower can make something happen where novice growers could not. However, the best grower is then at the limit of genetics.
  2. SilentQ

    What is it !

    You can get a digital Ph meter on amazon for maybe $20
  3. SilentQ

    What if i veg. Out side then power flowed indoors with HPS full spectrum??

    The sun is significantly more powerful than HPS and will never cause light burn. That said, your location is important. If you live in the pacific north-west, you will have more clouds than sun. Your biggest worries should be bringing pests inside if you grow indoors during the off season...
  4. SilentQ

    Plant is drooping, take a look at the pics and let me know what you think

    If they aren’t over or under watered, in my case, every time it isn’t a watering issue, it is underfed.
  5. SilentQ

    Looking for some suggestions

    When was the last time you fertilized? It has happened a few times where this happens regardless of amount of water. My plants always droop when I don’t feed them enough.
  6. SilentQ

    Complete Newbie - Opinions Please

    They got that big without nutes? Wow. Anything I have grown has never gotten past the first two leaves without nutes.
  7. SilentQ

    Grandma's Boy Stealth Grow Cabinet

    If there is a problem with watering and you are away for long periods often, you can always try to make the containers into mini hemp buckets next time. I travel a lot and have a 3x3x6 so I will get some real water suckers. I got some 5gal buckets. I’ll put a hole about and inch or two up...
  8. SilentQ

    Grandma's Boy Stealth Grow Cabinet

    Looks great! Most people would just think it’s a server cabinet. Maybe you are doing some web hosting with some LED fans in there.
  9. SilentQ

    I got bored today

    This is a great idea. Especially for those whose tents are on a concrete basement floor.
  10. SilentQ

    Grandma's Boy Stealth Grow Cabinet

    Depends. If you have no light, no longer than 8 hours in veg for the “night” cycle. However, even one of those battery led lights you would stick in a closet should prevent flowering so you could get more time with that.
  11. SilentQ

    What's going on with this one?

    You do cut through the leaves, but you cut the very very tip of the main shoot. That stops it from growing upward and forces it to branch out.
  12. SilentQ

    Assistance please!

    So that would mean you are sitting at about 100 ppm of food. Usually my first feed is 400 to see how it goes. I up it from there. 100 just seems too low, but maybe someone who grows hydro could give some input on hydro ppms. I usually see hydro ppms 10-20% lower than soil if I'm not mistaken.
  13. SilentQ

    Assistance please!

    Ppms at 147? Are you using distilled or RO water? That seems really low. I do soil, but my first feeding is no less than 400 not counting my ppms from the tap. I'm usually around 130 tap plus 400 for 500-600. 147 doesn't have nearly enough. But that might be different for hydro.
  14. SilentQ

    I have a huge nutrient and ph lockout problem. Off the charts, literally..

    Week 7 flowering? Might try to take a pic of the trichs with normal lighting. Everything looks Amber with it on lol
  15. SilentQ

    I have a huge nutrient and ph lockout problem. Off the charts, literally..

    How many weeks have you been going? If you are using synthetics you should flush every 3 weeks or so if you are feeding a lot. Usually a .5 to 1.0 ph drop for runoff is normal in soil. If the plant looks fine then relax. If you thing you need to flush, then run through phd water. The...