Recent content by shootin4par

  1. S

    Canna Collective

    To each their own, but don't ruin other people's forums because you have a problem...a simple statement of why you don't like them would suffice, not jabs at the people running the site. And you were banned for more than not receiving your money, it was also your attitude. Just chill, no one...
  2. S

    Canna Collective

    Thats what happens when you forget your old username and password especially when you take a couple months break from the forum thing. Either way post numbers shouldn't matter, its the quality of said posts. So you get your kicks laughing, but its attitudes like that, that push...
  3. S

    Canna Collective

    Credit cards are not the safest way to order unless done right So I am not surprised that The Canna Collective doesn't offer it yet. They just started up so I am sure everything is still in the works. No need to come down on a site because they don't offer your preferred method of payment just...
  4. S

    Ola soon to be with Cola

    My Title of stranger...makes me think of "The Stranger" hahaha
  5. S

    Ola soon to be with Cola

    Elo all just shootin4par here hope to meet ya'll and get some help from you master growersbongsmilie