Recent content by Shesjr

  1. S

    Is more thc absorbed via edibles; or smoking?

    As you know there are a few steps to make edibles; decarbing the flower then infusing into oil, butter etc. I I'm using extraction and infusion interchangeably and maybe that's wrong! I bought a Levo 11 that does the decarbing and infusing all in on machine. I'm wondering if the settings...
  2. S

    Is more thc absorbed via edibles; or smoking?

    I use Emily's edible dosage calculator for the oils and butter's I make for edibles. I'm specifically intrigued by your comment about CBD and CBG extraction methods have different times and temps. Since I have 6 ounces of CBD and CBG rich flower, I'd like to make my edibles using it. Can you...
  3. S

    Is more thc absorbed via edibles; or smoking?

    I grew what I thought was weed but after having it tested for potency, I learned my grow this year is actually hemp. it's 1.6% THC, 8.6% CBD and 2% CBG. I plan on making edibles with it so would you be willing to share your method with me for butter/brownies and or tincture? I know how to...
  4. S

    Planted cannabis seeds, harvested hemp

    That's what I'm wondering too. The hemp tested 2% CBG as did their mother Grapefruit Barb so that genetic feature passed along. I'm told CBG is very good in cannabis. The hemp is coming in at 1.6% THC but Grapefruit Barb tested at 13% THC.
  5. S

    Planted cannabis seeds, harvested hemp

    I only planted 7 seeds, 4 turned out to be boys (which I dumped) so this grow was female 3 plants. I'm a small scale operation over here hehehehe ;)
  6. S

    Making coconut oil - unknown thc content

    Take it to be tested this way you will have good numbers for accurate dosing. I found a local source nearby my home that charges $25 per test. If you live in a state where it's legal, ask someone at a dispensary if they can make a referral. That's how I got my source :).
  7. S

    Planted cannabis seeds, harvested hemp

    The plants from this year's grow are from seeds taken from last year's grow, which I got about 40 seeds. They were clones from a mama Grapefruit Barb plant. They did great but I got about 40 seeds after breaking the flower down. So this year I planted 7 of them, 4 were boys and three are girls...
  8. S

    Rogue Pollen

    Could the pollen that hit my grow have been hemp? Would that mean all the seeds harvested (about 40) be hemp and not cannabis? See my thread in the Outdoor Grow forum.
  9. S

    Planted cannabis seeds, harvested hemp

    Yep, my outdoor grow got cross pollinated with hemp. Another case of rogue pollen. I took my dried and cured bud for THC potency testing and test results are 1% THC, 9% CBD. I cried.
  10. S

    Rogue Pollen

    Thank you! off topic question,,,so are nanners produced on hermaphrodite plants then?
  11. S

    Rogue Pollen

    Someone ^^said that if the seeds came from a plant w nanners, they would not have produced any male seeds. In my case, 4 of the 7 seeds I planted (from the said plants that had rogue pollen) were male! Is a nanner from a plant that went hermie? I'm new to growing so I'm learning as I go.
  12. S

    Rogue Pollen

    I do know that there is an old school topical remedy done in the Mexican community where you take cannabis leaves and soak in 70% or higher isopropyl alcohol so maybe someone in the area keeps male plants because for this application male/female doesn't matter. I actually gave my boys to our...
  13. S

    Rogue Pollen

    Last July I was gifted 7 female clones, strain Grapefruit Barb. I decided to do outdoor in pots. They did ok. After harvest, dry and curing, I was told the quality of the bud was 'mid' by several of my friends so I used most of it for making edibles. I got about 40 seeds from the 7 plants...
  14. S

    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    I have the same issue with my Tutu, one of three plants I did this season. Flower began 8/10 so we're about 12 weeks in. She just wont dry out. I'm in the Chicago area so been bringing the plant inside my dark garage at sun down and bringing it back out during the day light hours. Checked...
  15. S


    Thank you. I don't want my ground weed fluffy though. I want it broken down as much as possible, not to fine powder but ground finely not fluffy. I need to get 7 grams into the Levo power pod. I tried putting 7 grams of my trimmings that I thought was ground down enough. Didn't fit becasue...