Recent content by SheGrower

  1. S

    average yield for outdoor plants

    Thank you. Fortunately, got out in time with the cats and dogs. Yeah, cali isnt what it used to be, homeless people & meth users south to north. fire season is getting longer and more horrific every year. hoping this hard lesson will lead to better forest management. About your Dream...
  2. S

    average yield for outdoor plants

    Thats a Great yield from a 15 gallon pot! plants look good too... unfortunatly for me, lost my home and crop in the bear fire. thats the teason for the research into Southern Oregon's possible yield and mold resistant strains. do you mind sharing the county you are in? Thank you for...
  3. S

    average yield for outdoor plants

    Would be great to know the area in oregon that you can yield 10 or more per plant. ? Thinking of relocating from Norcal, researching the weather, elevation, day length etc, and would appriciate more information about massive yielding strains, that are mold resistant, finish earlyk, that would be...