Recent content by Rolltideroll420

  1. Rolltideroll420

    First time grower in RDWC

    Yea we tried not to skimp to much we got the same brand ph meter. We have an 800 dollar light se7000 spider farm. 400 dollar chiller we have about 2500 all together invested in our tent but we split it up between three people so we could afford it. We will figure it out tho. Ty for the help...
  2. Rolltideroll420

    First time grower in RDWC

    My brother bought it it’s a apera brand. Shows about 110 dollars on eBay.
  3. Rolltideroll420

    First time grower in RDWC

    Yea we are just struggling understanding their language lol. That’s all going to come with experience tho. We’ve got a few books we have been reading but you just can’t really supplement experience.
  4. Rolltideroll420

    First time grower in RDWC

    I don’t know a lot about EC I did know a conversion was happening from it to ppm but I don’t know what the conversion is. From most everywhere I’ve seen ppm is what they talk about so that’s what I’ve looked at.
  5. Rolltideroll420

    First time grower in RDWC

    Also with being well water I don’t know what exactly is in the water. With it being 30-70ppm from the tap should I use a form of cal mag from the first feeding?
  6. Rolltideroll420

    First time grower in RDWC

    Our roots actually came out the bottom of the net pots on 8/9 of the plants. They have new growth happening still we just feel we have stunted them so much and being an auto flower that we might be better to just start over. Hopefully on this next batch we have better success. We was thinking...
  7. Rolltideroll420

    First time grower in RDWC

    Ty for the welcome. I started in rockwool also and had the water level right at the bottom of the net pot for the first few days then we lowered the water level to about an inch or two below the net pot. At day one from sprout we gave it a small dip into 155ppm water 3/4 up the cube and set the...
  8. Rolltideroll420

    First time grower in RDWC

    So me and my brother are first time growers. We really liked the hydro option and decided to go with that knowing it would be harder to start with. Having said that we killed our first set of plants. The advice we was getting was scattered and often contradicted by someone else and seemed like...