Recent content by redeye75

  1. redeye75

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    lol... message to short
  2. redeye75


    Because your a fucking little idiot! You dont give a FUCK about growing marijuana, your a money hungry ASSHOLE and one day your gonna get knocked right off the pedestal that you put yourself on.... Go ahead ban me... DILLIGAF!!!! FUCK FDD2BLK
  3. redeye75


    Hey Big P you have some brown shit on your nose....
  4. redeye75

    Why doesn't Anyone Know What's Wrong with My Seedlings?

    Accept it or not it is what it is.... 5 years of growing you should know this...
  5. redeye75

    Why doesn't Anyone Know What's Wrong with My Seedlings?

    Ok I would say they have been nute burned, pic one looks like it was burned when it was younger but the new growth looks good, the week olds are probably still suffering from nute burn. Did you transplant back into fresh Lambert's? The transplants will do them good as long as you dont add all...
  6. redeye75

    Rooting Hormone Question

    I do the same exact thing minus the rooting hormone with 100% success.
  7. redeye75

    What Happened to My Beautiful Plant Leaf?

    That should definitely help the OP with his problem...
  8. redeye75

    What Happened to My Beautiful Plant Leaf?

    a cfl wont do that to a leaf.....
  9. redeye75

    Do You Ever Smoke A Blunt By Yourself?

    Bout to go blaze a dutch of some Blue Dream to the face... So yes I do!
  10. redeye75

    Approved by the City?

    If you will be running electrical you will need a permit from the city at the very least
  11. redeye75

    What Happened to My Beautiful Plant Leaf?

    I agree with Beansly if you look closely you can see all the spotting on the leaves, what are you feeding it and when?
  12. redeye75

    Deficiency Help Please. I Think it Might be Iron?

    You need to be careful after the flush, you probably flushed out alot of nutrients that the plant needs.. I mean you did say it was a deficiency which means it was lacking something and by flushing you may have flushed all of it away. If that's the case its gonna get worse before it gets better...
  13. redeye75

    Flush and Cut

    You should not have flushed at all... and there is no reason to shut the light off for 2 days either....
  14. redeye75

    I Can't Argue With That... Debate This Part 2

    I say no drug testing for welfare recipients for most cases... Not all people abuse the system and they should not be treated that way. Welfare is supposed to be a temporary program to help people during rough times to help get them back on their feet, those people who paid into the system all...
  15. redeye75

    Plant Dropping to Sure Why Help!

    ceeconst the only point i agree with that these other guys made is that it needs water, as far as the yellowing goes read this thread Seems like the guys in this thread are not willing to accept...