Recent content by rbocut

  1. rbocut

    Himalayan Gold Feminized Micro Closet Grow 150 watt HPS

    I am counting the days for the big bud... this is how she looks today: hopefully 7 more days till harvest.
  2. rbocut

    Himalayan Gold Feminized Micro Closet Grow 150 watt HPS

    Himalayan on the front and Big Bud on the back! Himalayan is still getting fat!
  3. rbocut

    Himalayan Gold Feminized Micro Closet Grow 150 watt HPS

    for sure! but its getting hard to wait. my hole room smells like them!
  4. rbocut

    Himalayan Gold Feminized Micro Closet Grow 150 watt HPS

    The Big Bud is almost there. Looking fatty and full of crystals!! So today I chose this bud And I took a sample. After a quick-drying method I tried my first own-grow-joint and it feels just perfect!!!
  5. rbocut

    Himalayan Gold Feminized Micro Closet Grow 150 watt HPS

    Thanks man, I will do some cool pics before harvest with a good cam. They are both under a single 150w hps. I wish I had more light so all the side branches could truly develop to their potential, but I'm happy for what I have whit this light. Next grow i'll update for sure.
  6. rbocut

    Himalayan Gold Feminized Micro Closet Grow 150 watt HPS

    This week I flushed the Big Bud because she is almost ready!!
  7. rbocut

    Himalayan Gold Feminized Micro Closet Grow 150 watt HPS

    for sure, the HG will need a couple more weeks to get there. but her smell is delicious!!
  8. rbocut

    Himalayan Gold Feminized Micro Closet Grow 150 watt HPS

    mazar i shariff outdoors
  9. rbocut

    Himalayan Gold Feminized Micro Closet Grow 150 watt HPS

    the clones are doing fine, i can't see the root yet though. I think the perlite is working alright, keeping the dome with good humidity.
  10. rbocut

    Himalayan Gold Feminized Micro Closet Grow 150 watt HPS

    I finally got a real photo camera. !!!
  11. rbocut

    Himalayan Gold Feminized Micro Closet Grow 150 watt HPS

    Thanks for all the help guys! I will feed them some more nutes. I cant wait to harvest and smoke my own ganja for the first time. Years smoking stuff that i dont know where it came from. If only I knew growing was so simple. Thanks for the pics bigtomatofarmer. I'm trying to grow tomatos...
  12. rbocut

    Himalayan Gold Feminized Micro Closet Grow 150 watt HPS

    so you think is should still give them nutes for two more weeks? when do I know that its time to cut the nutrients ?
  13. rbocut

    Himalayan Gold Feminized Micro Closet Grow 150 watt HPS

    and here is the bigbud:
  14. rbocut

    Himalayan Gold Feminized Micro Closet Grow 150 watt HPS

    nice man! your hg seems to have bigger buds. my himalayan needed more space and light to really develop her bud potential. the bigbuds plant is getting a lot heavier than the hg. this is the hg top cola: today i flushed both plants and now no more nutrients, 2 more weeks till harvest.
  15. rbocut

    Himalayan Gold Feminized Micro Closet Grow 150 watt HPS

    For sure, I didn't know it was cheap. I'll get one soon. thanks