Recent content by R C Glasscock

  1. R C Glasscock

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    first of all thank you for the help. I wish the pics were a little clearer, but maybe you can still tell.
  2. R C Glasscock

    Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious

    I suspect the light is to close.. It at 28" I can raise it about another 18". I should have noticed that it might be a little intense on the seedlings. At least they're still green.
  3. R C Glasscock

    Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious

    I was just wanting to know if the leaves standing straight up like this was normal. I have 6 growing and they are all doing the same thing. Its probably nothing but just wanted to get the masters input. thank you very much for the help.
  4. R C Glasscock


    not much action on this is there. I know there is more VA growers than this
  5. R C Glasscock

    Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious

    Hi Riddleme, I just started my grow with my 400w CMH and all I can say is WOW! I don't have any other light to start my seedlings with so I'm using the big light all the way through. I germed the seeds 5 days ago,they are all out of the soil and the first set of leaves are already as big as the...
  6. R C Glasscock

    Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious

    Thanks Danielsgb. I thought that it being a 12 to 16 week plant,the same as a normal grow this auto might be different. It was a free seed so Im goin to see how it does. Thanks for the help Riddleme.
  7. R C Glasscock

    Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious

    Riddleme the grow looks awesome. Thanks for all the well wishes. The hurricane weakened and I escaped with no significant damage. I have a quick question for you. I have a 100 to 120 day super auto growing, do you think it would benefit from topping.
  8. R C Glasscock

    What Did I dO wrong

    Who is Michael Moore and Al Gore's love child
  9. R C Glasscock

    low stress trainging auto ak47's lst

    The reason you can't find anything about LST on auto's is that they only grow to a finishing height of 16 to 18 inches, so there's usually no height problems. And any stress what so ever can hurt yield, since they grow to maturity not photo period. But I wouldn't think that its any different...
  10. R C Glasscock

    Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious

    Im going to stake it down the way the the site shows with a little song and prayer. I only planted one seed, she's 7ft tall with a 3"x18" top. Im worried its going to snap that heavy ass top off. I'll probably stake it off high and low and hope for the best. thanks for everybody's help its...
  11. R C Glasscock

    Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious

    hi riddleme, I live on the coast of Virgina, we have a storm blowing through I was wanting to see if you had any ideas on how to stabilize a 7ft plant in a category 4 hurricane. Its about 4 weeks into flowering, I would hate to see it destroyed thanks for the help
  12. R C Glasscock


    Its all just a game,the oldest game in the book. Cops and robbers, they do their job and I do mine. I don't take it personal. All my drinking buddys are cops and firefighters. They let me know when to let it cool down. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
  13. R C Glasscock


    If they have police officers on riu trying to catch small scale growers it's a serious misappropriation of government funds and I for one won't tolerate it.
  14. R C Glasscock


    I wish I would have found this thread a little sooner, we need a good VA thread. I hope all Virgina growers chime in.
  15. R C Glasscock


    strains differ when they show sex. My plants showed around July 1, they just started really flowering this week. This time of year they should really start to take off. Hope you have a great harvest.